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(xxx) xxx-xxxx

valerie martin
who is this??

(xxx) xxx-xxxx
it's caitlin!
your sister's friend

valerie martin
oh hi! what's up?

caitlin clark
not muchbut i wanted to ask if you wanted to tag along with some of us bb girls to a party this wknd?

valerie martin
yeah that sounds fun!
no offense but how come kate just invite me?

caitlin clark
she's not coming to this party cuz she said she had to study for an exam she has on monday
and she may or may not have told us to not invite you...

valerie martin
how come???

caitlin clark
i think she's just being protective and doesn't want u going to a party where she can't monitor you

valerie martin
god that's so fucking stupid
like i'm 20 not 2, i don't need a babysitter

caitlin clark
anyways i'll let u know details when i get them, i can't wait to see you then!

valerie martin

party animalz
(caitlin clark, gabbie marshall, molly davis, hannah stuelke, jada gyamfi, kylie feurbach, sydney affolter)

**valerie martin has been added to the chat**

caitlin clark
hey guys i added lil martin into the gc so she can get the details bout the party this wknd

jada gyamfi
lil martin!!!!

molly davis
hey baby martin

hannah stuelke

valerie martin
to be clear, i'm not a fan of this nickname

gabbie marshall
it's a term of endearment🥰

caitlin clark
alr let's talk plans

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