If All Else Fails

Start from the beginning

"Would be nice if he let us in on the plan every once in a while." Kevin comments, watching him fly away. "True." Aria agrees. Gwen wraps mana around Kevin and throws him at the beast. He falls out of it and skips across the ground. Gwen makes platforms and shoots mana blasts at the beast, but it's unfazed. Aria raises her hand, and a chuck of the earth rises up to block the beast's path, but it walks through it. Gwen jumps off the platform and makes a mana cushion for her to land on, she bounces off it and lands on her feet, looking back at the beast as Kevin approaches her. Kevin glares at her, and she shrugs. "I was trying something." She tells him. "No use." Aria sighs and lands beside them. Tanks drive past them and one stops beside them. "Weapons ready!" A man says through a radio and multiple military men run out with their weapons. "Don't there are people inside that thing!" Gwen tells him. 

"I'm sorry about that but that's Twin Mesa nuclear plant. You understand what happens if we don't stop it?" The man asks. "But--" Gwen tries to protest, but Aria places a hand on her shoulder. Gwen looks back at Aria, and the girl looks back at the tanks and military men and shakes her head as if saying that they won't be able to do any damage. "Fire!" The general orders. The tanks fire rockets at the beast but it does nothing. "Full power! Bring that bogey down!" The general orders and the Highbreed lands in front of them. "Idiotic cattle. "You cannot hope to succeed." The Highbreed taunts. "Suppose we make you tell us how to stop it." Kevin says and grabs his arm. "Unhand me, vermin." The Highbreed throws Kevin away, but Aria grabs him with a light tendril and brings him back. "A lower life form cannot force me to do anything." The Highbreed claims, angering Aria. "No, but I can!" Reiny says from the back of Ship with Ben beside him. 

"Reiny!" Aria beams. "Who are you?" The Highbreed asks. "He's Reinrassig III, seventh son of the Noble Highbreed House of Di Ralla, direct descendant of the Pure Blooded High Order of Rasetch." Ben announces and stands beside Reiny with his hands on his hips. "And personal friend of mine." He adds. "I am the Highbreed Supreme." Reiny shares. "Impossible. You are impure. Look at your hand." The Higbreed points out Reiny's green hand. "Yes, look at it." Reiny shows him the symbol on his palm. "You wear the imperial seal." The Highbreed says and bows. "My apologies, Highbreed Supreme." He apologies. "Then our people have not been exterminated." The Highbreed says. "Clearly." Reiny replies. "But I was only to be awakened if we lost the war." The Highbreed points out.

"The war has ended, and it was settled, peacefully. Thanks to Ben Ben Tennyson." Reiny shares. "Peace with the Humans? Then what awakened me from hibernation?" The Highbreed asks. "It must've been some sort of accident." Reiny replies. "Must've been the earthquake." Aria chimes in. "Whatever the cause, your orders are clear. Shut down that weapon." Reiny orders. "Supreme one, I would deactivate it if I could, but once the failsafe sprouts, nothing can stop it." The Highbreed shares. "You mean that thing's got an on switch but not an off?" Kevin asks. "What good is a failsafe if you can turn it off?" Gwen replies. "We planted post hypnotic seeds in several dozen humans who have been our prisoners. Those seeds were to be activated, and the failsafe process started only upon our demand." Reiny shares. "So what's it gonna do, stomp us all to death?" Kevin asks. "No, the failsafe needs a large power source to prime its destructive energies." The Higbreed says. "And when it's primed?" Aria asks. 

"It will explode, and the resulting fallout will destroy your planet within minutes." Reiny shares. The Highbreeds and the teens climb inside Ship, and it flies in front of the beast while the military men drive. "We're not gonna stand here and let the brussel sprout that walks like a man nuke us, are we?" Kevin asks. "No, but it doesn't seem fazed by us fighting it head-on." Aria points out. "So, who said head-on?" Gwen asks. "All plants release gas in some way, right? So this one must have some kind of exhaust point." Gwen notes. "And if we can find it we can get inside and try to stop it from there." Ben says. "Really, we're gonna climb up its exhaust point?" Kevin asks. "You're going to climb." Ben activates his watch. "I'm going to fly." He smacks his watch and transforms. "Jetray!" He shouts and jumps out of Ship.

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