War of Worlds (2)

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Ben wakes up and gasps upon seeing the fleets of warships above him. Aria, Kevin, and Gwen slid down to where Ben was, and Gwen helped him up. "We're too late." Gwen says. "It's never too late." Ben tells his cousin. "New plan." He says, and everyone looks at him, confused. Ben looks down in thought and purses his lips. "Working on it." He tells everyone. "So reassuring. It definitely won't give the Highbreed time to destroy Earth." Aria says sarcastically. "Do you have a plan?" Ben asks her. "No. How about you think of the plan instead of talking." Aria suggests. "Got it." Ben snaps his fingers. "We break into the Highbreed control room and force the Highbreed captain to make his ships retreat." He shares, and everyone once again stares at him. "That's your big plan?" Darkstar asks. "Hey, how many times have I beaten you?" Ben asks. "Twice, but just at this moment, I can't imagine how." Darkstar replies. "Simple. He had help." Aria shrugs. "The main control tower will be the most heavily guarded building in the city." Azmuth shares. "Precisely, my point. How do you propose to get inside?" Darkstar asks. "I don't know about you all, but I can get in easily." Aria gloats. "Whatever. Leave it to me." Kevin says, ruffling her hair.

Ben, Gwen, Aria, and Kevin piled into the latter's car. "We're gonna drive to the control tower?" Gwen asks, glaring at Kevin. "Uh-huh." Kevin hums and presses a button on the dashboard, transforming his car. "Where'd you get all this stuff?" Ben asks. "When didn't I? Every time we found some alien tech, I tossed it in the trunk, and whenever I have free time..." Gwen looks out the window, surprised. "You work on the car." She finishes. "Awesome." Aria beams, looking out the window. Kevin starts the car and drives through Los Soledad. DNAliens shoot at the car, but Kevin presses a button, and the rockets deploy, knocking the aliens away. A truck tries blocking him, but he doesn't stop. "Not going to stop, are you?" Ben asks. "Nope." Kevin answers, shooting rockets at the truck, causing it to explode. Aria makes a ramp with energy and puts a shield around the car so that it can be protected from the fire. When the car touches the ground, the group gets thrown about. "And this is why you always wear your seatbelt." Ben says. "Nobody likes a backseat driver." Kevin tells him. The warships shoot lasers at the car, and Kevin dodges before shooting rockets into a building so that he can drive through.

Once they got to the building, which was surrounded by DNAliens, the gang exited the car. "Run to the control room. Then we fight." Ben instructs. "I was afraid you were gonna say that." Kevin sighs and leans into the car to press another button, and it drives on its own, shooting rockets at the DNAliens, giving the group time to run. "That'll hold them for a while." Kevin says. Kevin, Gwen, and Aria stop running when they see the car explode. "Oh, man." Aria sighs. "Come on." Gwen tells the two. "I'm gonna miss that car." Kevin says. "I can help you build a new one." Aria suggests as they run up the stairs. "The Highbreed have starships, and they haven't invented the elevator?" Gwen asks. "I guess all these stairs help them exercise." Aria suggests. They eventually get to the top and stop at the door. Kevin absorbs whatever the wall is onto his skin. "It's hero time!" Ben shouts, smacking his watch. "Swampfire!" He shouts and burns the door. Once it was gone, the teens made their way into the room. "Tennyson." A Highbreed says, surprised. "It is you, isn't it? All of you lesser species look alike to me." He says. "Racist much?" Aria cocks a brow at him. "If anything all you Highbreeds and DNAliens are the ones who look the same." She fires back at him. "Do not mock me, human." The Highbreed tells Aria. "Again, racist. I'm not a human." She tells him. "Whatever. You can die quickly with the rest of your insignificant race or slowly at my hands." The Highbreed says as DNAliens surround the group.

"Or I was thinking, not at all." Swampfire tells him. "Call it off." Swampfire demands. "Foolish children. Enough of this. Destroy the other three, leave Ben 10 to me." The Highbreed orders. The aliens attack the teens, but they use their organic fighting skills to take down the DNAliens. Swampfire charges at the Highbreed only for him to have his head punched off. Aria roundhouse kicks an alien and sees Swampfire fall. "No!" Gwen shouts. "So, it ends just as your grandfather destroyed himself trying to defeat me. So you too fall at my--" "I'm kind of mad now." Swampfire says after his head regenerated. He shoots fire at the Highbreed, knocking him back. Another Highbreed appears and tries attacking Gwen, but the girl surrounds herself with a mana field. The Highbreed slams his hand on the field, causing it to crack. He tries again, but Kevin calls out to him. "Hey!" The boy shouts, gaining the Highbreed's attention. Aria holds her hand out, giving Kevin more energy and a pink aura surrounds him. "Cool." He says and knocks the alien away from Gwen and into a control panel, electrocuting him and exploding.

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