{Chapter 4} Photo frame

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We trained for 13 days straight, the HQ gave us 1 day to rest. Tomorrow the werewolves were going to come.

"Lucy! Lucas! time to get up! Have breakfast!" Lucifer called out. I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen. "Why are you cooking? Lucy usually cooks breakfast." was the first thing that came out of my mouth. "I will cook whenever I please, problem?" he told me. I shook my head and sat down at the island. Lucifer looked at me "Aren't you going to brush your teeth?" he asked with his eyebrows raised. "Nah, I'll brush after eating," I told him. He looked at me with disgust and said, "You are nasty." and went back to cooking. I did not care about what he thought.

"Morning," Lucy said as they entered the kitchen. Lucifer was laying down the food on the table.

"Morning," Me and Lucifer said. Me and Lucy didn't talk about the whole protecting werewolves thing after that day. She still hadn't answered my question.

She came and sat down beside me and soon Lucifer joined us too. We ate in silence.

"What are you guys going to do today? since you guys don't have training today." Lucifer asked. "I am going to the HQ to discuss our finalized plans for tomorrow," Lucy said. "Um- I think I will probably just train or hang out with Aiden and the others," I said as I took another bite of my pancake. Lucifer looked at us a little sad but gave a smile. He probably wanted to hang out with us. We hadn't spent much time together since me and Lucy are pretty much always busy.

I felt really bad.

We finished eating and Lucy went to change. I stayed back still sitting at the island with Lucifer. "Are you not going to go brush your teeth?" He asked me as he got up to clear the plates. "ya I am going to now... Hey, you wanna hang out this weekend? You know with me and Lucy? I'm pretty sure we both would be able to get at the very least one day off.." I said. He turned around with his face lit up. "Oh ya! I mean, if you guys are free I definitely would like that.." he said. I smiled and nodded and got up to leave and get ready.

As I was leaving the kitchen I saw a smile make its way up to Lucifer's face.

I go brush my teeth and get ready.

So, what do I do now?

Should I go training or hang out with my friends?

There seemed to be only one superior option considering the importance of what was going to happen tomorrow. So I chose the BEST option.

Sleep duh!

That didn't last long as I was woken by my sister.

She told me that I should do something other than sleep as she saw it as a waste of precious time. I had, sadly no other choice than to oblige to her orders and got up and decided to go training with Aiden and the twins. I gave them a call from the landline, which is a rotary phone. They were the only kind of phones used as we are in war and on the loosing side, so obviously we are broke. Anyways, they were free so we decided to meet up at the training fields. We trained for a few hours and discussed about the plan for tomorrow. It was mostly me and Aiden since the twins were not part of it.

We all said our goodbyes and left.

I reached home at 8:37. Lucy wasn't home yet.

Lucifer was sitting on the sofa reading an old book.

"Hey I am back," I said to announce my presence.

"Yes, I figured. You reek of sweat so it is difficult to not notice you. Go take a bath." He told me without even looking up from his book. I give him a glare and went to take a bath.

"When is Lucy going to be back?" I asked. "I'm not sure, she said she would try to be back by 10." I give a little nod and sit next to him.

"Hey Lucifer"

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