Chapter 2: Curse

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"Again, Ryougi-san!?" the doctor exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration and concern. "If I hadn't paid attention to you for just a moment, you could have been blind for the rest of your life."

Shiki just shrugged her shoulder.

The man sighed "Ryougi-san... please don't do something stupid like gouging your eyes out." The doctor's voice carried a tone of exasperation as he addressed Shiki.

"You just woke up after 3 years in a coma," the doctor reasoned. "Just give it a little more time, the lines will probably dissapears on their own"


That's right.

I was in a coma.

For three whole years.







The first time I'm awake, all I could see was "Lines"

Line in every person; in every wall; even in the very air itself, all of them across everything I could see.

It was a world filled with "Lines"

It was sickening, nauseating, repulsive. At first, the doctor said to tried and ignore the lines, dismissing them as mere tricks of the mind—the aftereffect of my coma. But as more time passed, their presence became unbearable. Not in the sense of physical pain or mental exhaustion, but rather a sense of unease that gnawed at my very spirit.

I attempted to stab out my own eyes, but unfortunately, one of the nurses caught me and successfully intervened. I ended up injuring my left eye, though not enough to blind me, but severe enough to impair my vision for several weeks. The doctor and nurses promptly bandaged my injured eye.

With my impaired vision, I hoped to at least reduce the lines I saw, but it was useless. Even with my left eye bandaged, I could still clearly perceive the lines. I even asked the doctor to bandage my other eye and leave me in complete darkness, but for some reason, I could still perceive the lines. It didn't make any sense.

Then a thought occurred to me; what if I just gouged out my own eyes? It's a stupid and ridiculous idea. If someone heard my thoughts, they would probably think I'm crazy. But I don't care; as long as I can unsee these Lines, being blind would probably be better.

But it was another failure.

The doctor passed by my ward after treating another patient and witnessed the moment I was trying to gouge my eyes out.

I don't blame him for worrying about me; after all, he's a doctor, and it's only natural for him to want to prevent any harm to his patient. It was simply coincidental that he passed by when I attempted to gouge out my own eyes. But these "Lines" would probably never dissapears.







While the doctor was bandaging my eyes after my failed attempt to gouge it, I'm beginning to see something other than line.

Is it a Ghost? Devil? Spirit? I don't know what that is but the shape was familiar.

After floating around in that void for God knows how long, all of my memories are becoming blurry. I know I have parents, but I can't remember anything about them—face, hair color, or eye color. I can't remember anything, not even what happened to them. But there is one thing that's clear in my mind.

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