" we're safe put the gun down , junior

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" we're safe put the gun down , junior ." Ivan walks into the room and Archie and I both follow him but my eyes never leave the boy , something inside me is pulling me towards him, some connection I can't place but I'll know is I want to protect him more than I have ever wanted to protect some one .

" I don't know who that is " the boy says pointing at Archie with the gun , Ivan's by the dresser packing his belongings . " that's uncle Archie " " I'm an uncle? " Ivan rolls his eyes at Archie. The boy puts the gun away and picks up what turns out to be a little girl that fell asleep as he was guarding her .

The boy carry's her over to the bed before walking up to me , I want to say something anything but it's like I'm paralyzed. The boy wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach , " I missed you so much mama ." I gasped and look at Ivan he nods slightly at me with a sad smile on his face and tears fall from my eyes " Apollo ?"

" yes mama , I've waited a long time to be reunited with you. I love you so much mama ." A sob escapes me and I lift him into my arms holding him tightly, the wound in my arm from the gunshot screams at me but I refused to put my baby back down . My Apollo , he's alive . I stumble to the couch before collapsing with him in my lap . I look over and see Ivan explaining to Archie who Apollo is .

" how?" Is the only word to leave my mouth in minutes. " Apollo didn't die that night , he was born premature weighing just two pounds , he was in an incubator for the first seven months of his life but Noey he's a fighter . Tobias basically dismissed him as weak and was making plans to have another heir with you . But he showed him , Apollo grew strong and smart . Hell he's even better than you were at that age ."

I look down at my son and see he's asleep. He looks just like me and nothing like Tobias .
" Tobias has been training him personally, what ever abuse he suffered was limited to training . I raised him Noey I taught him how to pretend to be brainwashed . I told him everything about you , I'm sorry but I also told the bad stuff . He told me his mama is the strongest person alive ."

" who's the little girl Ivan ". He sighs before looking at the little girl lovingly " she's my daughter , her name is Katerina . He had me raped by a women to give him a second in command for apollo but my daughter was born and he realized she'd be better used as Apollo's future wife so he forced me to sign a contract to make it official . He even sent it to the official registry. There no way to undo it , I'm sorry Noey I had no idea how to get out of that one .

He even told Apollo about it , but Apollo and her are very close . He's so protective of her and when he found out about the contract he smiled Noey . He's happy about the fact he'll marry Kat , hell he's fucking possessive over her . But the same could be said for Kat , I've seen her flip out over a small cut on his knee one time and declaring to kill who ever hurt HER APOLLO !".

I just shake my head , this is just to much to take in right now , Ivan's alive , my son's alive and Ivan has a daughter. Who will also be my daughter in law in the future . If you're wondering what the registry is it's an organization that has no loyalties to any mafia or gangs but there only purpose is to uphold signed contracts that are filed with them , at any cost .

" the helicopters here my men have cleared a path for us to discreetly get on without anyone seeing the kids or Ivan ." Archie helps Ivan with the bags of his and the kids belongs , Ivan also carry's his daughter and I carry my son through the tunnels and back into the mansion . We load up in the helicopter and Apollo wakes up .

" where are we going mama ? To New Zealand it's our base of operations for this mission ." He nods before siting on my lap and laying his head over my heart and a hand on Katerina's back . Apollo spends the helicopter ride watching the view from the window . I can't believe I'm holding my Apollo .


New characters !!!!

New characters !!!!

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 Ahhh!!! Ivan's alive so is Apollo and Ivan has a  daughter so much was revealed this chapter ! I wonder how everyone else will react to the new arrivals !!

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Ahhh!!! Ivan's alive so is Apollo and Ivan has a daughter so much was revealed this chapter ! I wonder how everyone else will react to the new arrivals !!

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