Starry Hope Across the World

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As the Ground-Types from Team Rocket slowly made their way underground, the path they traversed led them closer to the heart of the coastal village. Unbeknownst to them, Brock's Geodude stood in their way, ready to intercept them.

The Ground-Types could see light at the end of this area, believing that they were about to emerge in the village. But that was when Geodude encountered them.

Using Earthquake, Geodude intercepted them, sending powerful tremors through the ground. The oppossing Ground-Types felt the tremors before finding themselves enveloped in a white shockwave.

The force of Geodude's Earthquake sent fissures snaking through the tunnels, disrupting the steady advance of the Team Rocket Pokémon. Rocks and debris tumbled from the ceiling, adding to the chaos of the underground battleground.

Up at that very surface, the people of the village stayed silent, watching through the windows as Brock, Goh, Nessa and Bea looked underground, seeing the white energy from Earthquake erupt.

"Got 'em!" Brock pumped his fists, but his celebration was short-lived once he saw some of the Ground-Types erupt from below. Not only did some of them withstand the attack, but they could also find themselves up to the surface quicker. "Tch."

"Brock, look out!" Misty yelled, warning her fellow Pokemon Lord.

The Team Rocket's Pokemon immediately emerged from the ground and fired a combined attack towards Brock.

"It's fine!" Brock raised his hands in front of him. "Use Iron Defense, Geodude!"

Geodude immediately obeyed, using Iron Defense and shielding himself against the attack. The barrage of Ground-Type attacks rushed towards Geodude, who would not move an inch. That didn't mean he couldn't take any damage.

"Such fortitude!" Bea gasped when seeing Geodude taking all of these hits.

"You know, if you guys wanna prove that you can fight, then I'd suggest doing so." Brock was not having this. "This is my duty."

"Of course!" Bea would step forward, her fists clenched and her eyes burning with determination. "I'll show you the growing strength of the one who is under the guidance of the Star Champion! Machop! Appear!" From her Poke Ball, arriving to the scene, was her Machop.

Goh and Nessa stood by, their attention fixed on the battle that was unfolding before them. Their gazes flickered between the combatants, their nerves on edge as the tension in the air grew thick.

Machop appeared on the battlefield, standing firm as its eyes locked onto the enemy. Misty smiled, wanting in on the action as she stepped forward. "You said that they've been showing up here for the last 9 days, right? Then, let's make this the last one. Brock. You won't have to keep this up." With her Poke Ball out, releasing her another one of her Water-Type Pokemon. "Staryu, go!"

Her Staryu immediately emerged from the ball, its crystalline body glimmering in the sunlight. It floated before her, its pointed appendages pulsating with energy as it awaited her command. As the remaining Ground-Type Pokemon that did not meet with the Star Champion stood before the three of them, arriving here were the remaining grunts of these Pokemon, who would walk up with devious intentions.

"Well, look at this." One of the grunts spoke when seeing new faces. "It looks like we got some newcomers, eh?"

"That looks like another Pokemon Lord right next to him. Isn't that the one from Cerulean City?" One grunt questioned.

"Yeah. Looks like Brock here's knowing his limits." Another grunt remarked.

"I don't know who you think you are. But I'll tell you this much. You're going to regret interfering in Team Rocket's plans." A grunt threatened the three. "We're getting that substance no matter what."

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