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~ Karina Belle Westley ~

I love my job, but it can be so tiring sometimes. Between having to deal with petty strippers, men who don't have any respect for strippers, and my bosses fucking up my mood, I usually end up leaving work heavily exhausted.

Like I've said before, being a stripper has its own pros and cons. One of the pros of it is the free drinks and money.

As soon as I entered the building this morning I could tell today was going to be full of bullshit. I got three different requests for private shows. They must've heard about the one I gave to Nic. I don't like doing private shows which is why I never did them. I may be bisexual, but men still scare me.

There's a random fun fact for you.

I agreed to do it because the men were offering a good amount of money and I will never turn down an offer like that. I made 10,000 dollars from it. God I love making money.

I will not lie, there's times where I regret becoming a stripper. Yes, money is great, but so is happiness. And money cannot buy it.

Contrary to popular belief...

Men tend to forget we're human, not sex dolls. I may be a stripper, but I still have self respect and I'll be damned if I let a man degrade me because of it. The last person I gave a private show to couldn't keep his hands to himself. Before I started the show I laid down some ground rules. The most important one was not to touch me unless I touch you.

I was very uncomfortable the entire time and I really didn't want to finish, but money is money.

Remind me to tell Zeno to beat homeboy up.

I was ready to go home. I still had a solid two hours left of my shift so I decided my best bet to kill time would be to take a nap.

I made my way to the back of the club. There was a room there for us ladies to chill. If we needed a break or finished our shifts early we'd come back here and relax. I could've stayed on the pole, but I was too tired.

When I reached my destination I happily typed in the code to the door and entered it. I was about to plop on the couch but there was a sleeping toddler taking up half of the sofa. I didn't even know they brought her here.

A warning would've been nice, you know?

Rina + Backup Dancers

Why didn't anyone tell
me that Bea was here??

Thought you knew

Estelle, My Love
Mara deadass
made an


Indiana Jones 🤠
During one of your PS

Right so if she made
the announcement when
I wasn't present how the
fuck was I supposed
to know she was here?!?!?

Indiana Jones🤠
No need to be sassy

I wasn't upset because Beatrice was here, I was upset because no one told me. I love Bea. The two year old is practically my best friend.

She's a smart kid and she's able to do more than kids her age and kids that are older than her. Her parents are pretty smart too so it's no surprise where she's gets it from. Especially Mara.

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