The Forest Days

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Izumi's PoV

Like I had mentioned the horses ran out of energy about 1/4 of the way there. The horses lasted longer than I thought they would but that also means that the resting period lasts longer. I can pretty much sleep anywhere because of my wolf form. My fur can transform into a blanket on cold and chilly nights. Sadly tonight was one of those nights. I had already had my fur in its blanket form as I laid down on the hard ground. It quickly softened under me because of another one of the skills I have from my wolf form. I laid comfortably on the ground and quickly fell asleep.

Navier's PoV

I noticed that Izumi was laying in the ground. I was going to invite her over into the tent but she was asleep already. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. She looked like a queen if I do say so myself. I invited Heinley over to see her. We watched her. I felt like we were in a daze. Something I noticed about her is that she has a lot of energy and can run leaving the path of a faded sliver. Like a shooting star leaving behind a tail. She's very beautiful.

~- A few days later-~

Izumi's PoV

We're about half way there. It was about two to three days for the horses to recharge. I have to admit something... I am in love with the couple! The way they act towards me! They see me as a normal person! The way they look just! Blonde hair, eyes, everything! AHH! I can't take it any more! I would gladly become a concubine or something! I just hope they accept me when I reveal my secret to them. I barely know them and I'm already in love. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I can't! I- I-. I was having a panic attack out of simping until I heard Heinley say "Izumi." Did I metion their voices are dreamy?~

Heinley's PoV

After a few days and a talk with Navier. We had decided that we were in love with Izumi. I mean how could you not be in love. Her face, her personality. She would be a perfect queen or should I say empress. Yup! I'm planning to make the Western Kingdom into the Western Empire making me the first emperor of the empire. All because of Navier's loss of her title. This is something I might tell her later but right now I say "Izumi" To catch the woman's attention. Once I asked her the question "Naveir and I have talked about this and I want to ask something." "Of course your Majesty." Would you like to become our concubine?" She immediately popped up like a wolf hearing something that they didn't expect.

Izumi's PoV

Did he just ask if I would like to be their concubine?! Before I could fully process what I had gotten myself into I responded with an excited "Yes!" As it dawned on me I was happy with my answer to the question. I was going to respond yes either way so~. I just earned the self proclaimed title of "The Royalties Concubine"


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