0.4 Let me burn here

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For the first time in a while it was hard for Daryl to fall asleep. His head was digging in memories, trying to find any evidence of Kai's problem. To his disappointment it wasn't so hard to find it.

Like that one time in high school, when they still tried to attend at least for some of the classes. He spent almost a whole lunch break to spot his younger friend. When he finally found him, Kai was outside, hiding in a corner behind the school building. Although he wasn't alone. His company was kept by another guy that Daryl didn't recognize. Both looking like they just ran a marathon, cheeks red and breaths heavy. Back then Dixon didn't pay much attention to the circumstances he found them in, being too invested in the pack of cigarettes he managed to steal from his father's pocked. Looking at it now he finally seemed to understand.

Same goes with every reaction Kai gave whenever Merle mentioned him being a faggot. Kim would always get so flustered by those jokes. Almost like he felt threatened by them.

That awareness made Daryl feel uneasy. Involuntarily he started thinking about every "close" moment he happened to share with his younger friend. He looked back at every smile Kai has ever sent him. It wasn't hard to notice that the Asian man wasn't smiling too often. Yet in Daryl's case it happened to be different. Kim always looked at him with those eyes which were sparkling with happiness or the purest form of care. He would blush at his jokes and crave for his touch.

God, this was so wrong. It was really, really wrong. After all he has been hugging Kai just few hours ago, being completely unaware of how his friend felt about it. Of what he was.

Daryl wasn't stupid, he was absolutely able to connect the dots, although he really didn't want to do so. Because if he was right, if Kai really might like him in that way, that would be a complete disaster. Dixon could try to accept the fact of his best friend being gay, but being gay and in love with him? That was too much to even think of. It already made Daryl feel disgusted. He could never look at another man in that way, that was just wrong. What Kai was doing was sick.

After all, what did he expect him to do? Say that it's all alright and that he's okay with his best friend letting other man to-

He scolded himself just for thinking about Kai in such situation.

It was wrong. It was sick and Kai can't just walk around thinking that everything is okay between them. If Merle was here he would already beat the living shit out of Kim. And he knew he should do the same, but just couldn't. After all Kai kept his side for his whole life. No matter what reasons were hiding behind it, he was always there for Daryl. So best he could do for now was to isolate himself from Kim. Avoid him as much as he could, give him a reason to move on and understand that they can't be so close anymore.

Dixon kept staring at almost empty alcohol bottle which was resting in his hands. He wished he could go out for a smoke, but closed building of the CDC shattered his needs for good.

What was he supposed to do now? He was forced to live in that limited space along with Kai. Even if he really tried to ignore the younger, others would start asking. And then what? Should he tell them about Kim's filthy secret? Was it even okay for him to think about doing so?

An annoyed sigh crawled out of Daryl's mouth. He could faintly hear the rest of the group slowly getting up, preparing for the another day. The night was already over and he was still feeling lost, his mind hasn't got any clearer, completely ignoring the time he was given to think the things through.

Heavy steps disturbed his peace as Tdog slowly stumbled into the dining area where Daryl has spent the night. His morning walk quickly stopped as he noticed the other male laying on the ground.

Hell's coming with me | Daryl Dixon x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now