~ Chapter 1 - The World Outside His Window ~

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Name: Michael Gordon Clifford
Age: 7
Status: In The House


Michael woke up with a loud CRASH sound coming from downstairs. A squeaking sound emitting from him. He curled himself in a ball, even if it was extremely hot from the lack of air conditioning in his room. His small bed squeaked as he moved. He heard muffled yells of his dad yelling at his older brother.

The boy's hands trembled against his thin blanket, trying to cover himself up as he squeezed his little fawn plushie.

"It's okay little fawn...If it gets too loud, it will be quieter in your closet" Michael spoke softly, mostly pretending it was his guardian speaking to him. His hand gripped the fawn plushie, staring into his embroidered, cartoon eyes before hugging it tightly. His shoulders tensed when he heard something hit the ceiling below his room. He quickly picked himself up, bringing his fawn plush and blanket with him and dashing into the closet.

He curled himself up in the empty closet, crying softly. There was no way he could fall asleep to see Mr Angel right now, the little boy knew this. He felt around the dark closet, still gripping his fawn plushie tightly. He felt a pile of dirty clothes. It wasn't much, but it worked.

He laid his head on the clothes, trying to think of soft clouds and pure white grass that could be mistaken for snow if you were to look at it from far enough.

The noises from downstairs were muffled from inside his closet. Fortunately, It was the quietest place inside the house.

For the next house, small sniffles were slowly dying down
and the noises died after a loud slam of the front door, leaving the house emptily quiet, the only sounds being Michaels soft panting.

Michael murmured and repeated past things his guardian had told him. Soft spoken words of praise, advice, and general phrases Michael had memorized from his dreams.

Michael didn't understand why he saw Mr Angel in his dreams, but he could remember them all word by word, every single conversation, every single thing it taught him. That and looking out the window at the children playing outside every day were the only place he felt truly connected with someone.

He was only partially aware that his father, and older brother had long forgotten his existence.

Michael would grab food when his older brother was out and his father was asleep on the couch. Sneaking small stuff like fruit or leftover food from when his brother came back. At first he felt bad for it, feeling it was rude to steal, but his worry's calmed whenever he remembered his guardians words.

"It's important never to steal from others, But in a time of your need in that house, Your actions will be forgiven."

When the boy felt it was safe, Michael shakily lifted up from the dirty pile of clothes, he couldn't remember where the door of the closet was, feeling around the closet.

He gasped when he felt something cold and metal on the floor. He gripped his small hands around it. Feeling it. It was long, with a handle on the end of it. There was a little hook in between the long bit and the handle.

He opened the closet door, letting light seep into the small room. He stood up, bringing his fawn plushie with him, and picking up the small cold object. He brought it into the light, it was a dark gray color, with a little hole at the end of it. He liked the texture on the handle, but picked it up with caution. Almost feeling scared of the foreign object.

"There may be some items that could be too dangerous for you to approach in your house, it is important for you to treat those items with caution. Interact with them as little as possible and tell me when you next see me."

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