Need you to be honest with me

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Katsuki perched on the edge of the couch, Aizawa lounging against the left arm and Hizashi against the right. Both their arms stretched across the back until their hands clasped together in the middle as they watched him like hawks circling prey.

"Kats," Hizashi's voice was surprisingly quiet as he spread his free hand over Bakugo's shoulder and pressed him backwards until he slid across the cushion and hit the back of the couch. The men's joined hands fell onto his head and rested there gently as they fiddled with strands of his hair. "You need to tell us what's been going on at home."

Katsuki's mouth fell open as if to answer, but his throat seemed to close at the same time, and he clammed up. Closing his mouth, he swallowed around the painful lump in his throat. His eyes drifted shut in response to the soft caresses, body shuddering in disgust at his weakness. Bakugo's hands sparked in his pockets, burning his palms further. He really needed to grow a backbone. "Why do you want to know?"

"You know why, Kats." Aizawa's voice was soft as he leaned towards Bakugo, his head angled down as he rested it next to the boys on the back of the couch.

"If you tell us, we can help." Hizashi was closer too, his head moving to rest on top of Katsuki's as he and Aizawa's hands fell to the back of his head. "You can trust us. You're safe here."

Bakugo's eyes flew open as a rush of pain went through him, the small explosions in his palms becoming louder and more cacophonous as he started to panic.

"What is happening?" Aizawa perked up, ears picking up on the sound that the explosions were making.

"Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Ow!" Katsuki whipped his hands out of his pockets, snarling and growling as he forced his fists to stay closed. He didn't want to damage anything that wasn't himself, and he definitely didn't want to hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. He pushed up off the couch and stumbled past the coffee table to get some space, bending at the waist and crushing his hands between his stomach and thighs as he groaned.

Then, his quirk was gone, and he was collapsing. He was falling, his eyes were closing, and he was bracing for impact with the floor.

And finally, just when he'd given up all hope, arms wrapped around him tight and held onto him like he had always wanted. They held him like they loved him, like they needed him, one pair around his shoulders and the other around his waist. Both holding him incredibly tight.

"Kats," Aizawa sighed close to his left ear.

"We're sorry." Hizashi whispered close to his right.

"This is wrong!" Bakugo grumbled, exhausted all over again. "You should be yelling and screaming! Tying me up to take a beating! There should be weapons, and - " he cut himself off, realising too late how much his mouth ran away from him when he was tired. "Weak!" He hissed at himself, scowling without opening his eyes. He pressed a hand flat against his stomach and tried to set off an explosion only to find that Aizawa was still holding it hostage with his red stare. "I'm weak!"

"No!" Hizashi's quirk easily carried his voice above Bakugo's angered yelling, his hands gripping the boys face and forcing his head up. "Look at me, Kats! Look at me!" Katsuki's eyes blinked open, overflowing with self-hatred and an embarrassing amalgamation of tears. If his mother could see him now, he'd be dead before lunch. "You're not weak, Kats, you're not! You're so strong!"

"Don't lie to me!" Katsuki yelled. He jerked his head around to try and get the man's hands to let go, but Hizashi wasn't playing ball. "Don't lie!" He screamed as the fear and frustration took over him. It was like his mind had decided to leave him in the dust, racing ahead to get words out that really had no reason being spoken. "She tells me! She tells me! I'm weak, that's why she does it! I need to be strong!" A ragged sound ripped out of his throat, taking with it some of the pain that he felt. "Fuck this! Let me go! I'm leaving!" Bakugo began to thrash, Aizawa's arms tightening around his waist and Hizashi's hands struggling to maintain a grip on his face. "Let go, fuckers!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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