Start from the beginning

"You know I don't like you to go flying while I'm in this condition." Aemma address her daughter.

"You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition." Rheanyra corrected.

"You're just like your brother." Aemma remarked as her daughter grins and dutifully kisses her on the forehead.

"Your Grace." Alicent bows courtesy to the Queen.

"Good morrow, Alicent." Aemma kindly replies.

Alicent looks in on the pregnant queen from a distance away, seeing the activity and care surrounding her.

Queen Aemma is presently the most important woman in the Seven Kingdoms, she currently carries the future heir.

"How did you know I was out?" Rheanyra questioned, Aemma chuckles.

"I have ears everywhere. Never underestimate the nose of a pregnant woman." The Queen inclines her head mockingly.

"Or her skill for lectures." Rheanyra drawls.

"Your mother is very fat and very tired. Try and take pity on her will you." Incredulous,
Aemma says as her daughter went silent.

Surprisingly, Rheanyra sights the letter on the stool, she recognized the sigil, hesitant, she picks it up, slowly sitting down on a stool adjacent the bed.

"A letter from Dorne." The Queen's tone lingered with little excitement.

"Geralt? Did he write you again?" Rheanyra smiles, her purple iris glinted with elation and curiosity, she was eager to read the letter.

"As always....." Aemma smiles. "He's finally returning home." She added.

Still at the doorway, Alicent's ears pecks up inquisitively. The Prince she's been hearing about is returning home, her heart instantly flushed with butterflies. Rheanyra always talked about him and ever since, she's been eager to meet him in person.

Rheanyra looks up to her mother face startled, shocked at the news yet exhilarated.

She was five when Geralt left for Dorne, and ten years had past and ever since his absence from the Red Keep, he never wrote to anyone except her mother.

She loves her brother. He was the first person to take her to flight on his dragon Nilfgaard when she turned four, Uncle Daemon gave her a second ride on his lizard dragon Caraxes when she turned six.

Much to which their father and mother hated, Geralt was wild and vibrant.

He was different, everyone knew that, a Dragonsbane with supernatural powers, dangerous and very protective, yet Viserys hated to admit his son had even more of Daemon in him sometimes, more ruthless than rogue.

Whilst reading the letter, her face fell yet her heart leaped, it seemed the gods had finally answered her prayers.


"He called off his engagement with Yennefer Martell." Rheanyra says while silently reading the letter.

"Your brother has finally caused a scandal." Aemma counters, sighing deeply while the handmaid continued fanning her.

"Does father knows about this?" Rheanyra asked.

"Not yet, but surely a raven would soon arrive from Dorne, I just hope this doesn't cause a breach between our houses." Aemma worriedly says.

Rheanyra couldn't care less of her mother's plights, her brother made the right choice, what's the essence of ending up in the arms of a desert mistress when he can mate with an actual dragon. She wondered as the thoughts of Geralt crowded her mind.

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