Day 1

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Eddies pov:

I wake up early in the morning and I sit up and groan and rub the sleep out of eyes with the back of my hand. I get out of bed and crack my neck and grunt. "Jesus fuck..." I muttered. I walk to my dresser and pull out baggy jeans and a David Bowie shirt and put them on. I grab my rings and put them on then I grab my necklaces and I slip those on and and sigh. I grab a pair of socks and put them on and I grab my backpack and put it on and then I put on my sneakers and head out the door and head to school.

Once I get to school I walk inside and people give me dirty looks and I roll my eyes. I get to my locker and unlock it and open it. "Look Tommy. It's the freak." Steve taunted and I roll my eyes again and grab my things and shut my locker. "He's just a little fag" Tommy commented but I ignore it and I head to class. I sit in the back of class and open my textbook and start to take notes. I hear Steve, Tommy, and Carol snickering and Steve throws a paper ball at me and I open it and it shows a a stickman hanging itself and theres words like "Freak, Fag, Creep, ect on written and I mutter something and I throw it in the trash bin and I fold my arms on my desk and bury my face into my arms. "Awwwe... Is the little freak gonna cry....?" Carol taunted and snickered.

After school:

I'm at home laying in bed listening to my viynls while staring at the ceiling with tears running down my cheeks. "Why does it have to be me...?" I asked myself. "It could be anyone else. But they had to pick me" I added and wiped my tears away. My uncle knocks on the door and opens it "Hey son... You alright...?" Wayne asked and I nod slightly "Yeah... Yeah I'm alright..." I say and turn my head and smile weakly. "I made you some hot chocolate" Wayne said and smiled and walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed and I sit up and take it "Thanks...." I mutter and Wayne nodded and I take a sip of the drink and smile softly, My uncle strokes my hair "I'm proud of you, son..." Wayne said and I smile and lean into him "I know.. You say that almost everyday." I reply and chuckle "I know" Wayne smiles. Wayne leaves my room and I finish my hot chocolate and I get out of bed and I take my shirt off over my head and I put on sweatpants and I sigh and crawl into bed and cover myself with my blanket and I close my eyes and slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Steves pov. And the next day:

I wake up and sit up in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes and I roll out of bed and walk to my closet and I put on a jeans and a yellow sweater. I walk to my bathroom thats attatched to my room and I do my hair and I turn on the tap and spalsh water into my face and I look at myself in the mirror and sigh then I turn off the tap and turn off the light and walk out of the bathroom and go downstairs and make a cup of coffee "Morning Steven" My father says firmly as he looks up from the newspaper "Mornin' dad....." I mutter tiredly "How's things with Nancy doing?" My dad asked. "Oh... Uhm... Things are alright." I answer and smile tiredly and put creamer and sugar into my coffee and mix it then take a sip. "That's good." My dad says and I nod. My mom walks in and kisses my cheek "Good morning sweetheart" My mom says sweetly "Mornin' mom" I smile aand sip my coffee "Have any plans with Tommy and Carol since it's the weekend?" My mom aske as she made herself a cup of Lavender tea. I nod.

"Yeah. We're going to the theme park" I say and smile and my mom nods then my dad stands up and kisses my mom on the cheek and rubs my shoulder and heads off to work like nothing happen last night... "How's your arm?" My mom asked "It feels a bit better but still hurts" I reply and she nods. "Anyways... I'm gonna go now" I say and hug my mom then put on my nikes and I grab my keys and wallet "Okay hun" My mom said and smiled and I smile back and I exit my house and close the door and I hop into my car and pick up Tommy and Carol from their houses.

Once we get to the theme park we look around and chuckle and Nancy shows up and runs and jumps into my arms and I catch her and plant a quick kiss onto her lips. "Hey Nance..." I say and smile "Hey...." She says and smiles back. Normally I would feel this flutterly feeling in my heart. And normally I would feel butterflies in my stomach when I'm around Nancy but I don't feel those feelings... But I shake my head and ignore it then place Nancy her feet and I hold her hand and the four of us walk around the theme park talking and laughing "I'm gonna go get food for all of us" I say and let go of Nancy's hand and Nancy, Tommy, and Carol go sit at a picnic tabke and I walk to a food truck and I see the person in front of me... It's... Eddie...? Wow... He looks different today... "I wonder what it would be like to be his friend..." I think to myself and he turns around.

"Oh hey Harrington. Fancy seeing you here." Eddie teases and I roll my eyes "Yeah whatever..." I mutter "Do you wanna go in front of me?" Eddie asked and my eyes widden a bit "Uh... Sure I guess" I say and move in front of him "Thanks man" I add "Anytime" Eddie said and smiled softly and I smile back. I think for a second but then I walk backwards a bit so me and Eddie are side by side. "So.. Freak- I mean Eddie. What are you doing here?" I asked "I just wanted to hang out and have fun" Eddie answered and I nod my head slowly "Do you want to hang out with me and the rest of my friends and including Nancy?" I asked and Eddie looked at me with confusion "Really....?" He asked confused and I nod "Why not" I smile and Eddie smiled back "Sure" He said and I nod.

We get our food and me and Steve walk to the picnic table where Tommy, Carol, and Nancy are sitting and I sit beside Nancy and Eddie sits across from me, and Tommy, Carol, and Nancy smile at Eddie and say hi to him and he says hi back and we start talking and laughing. Once we're all done eating we stand up and walk to the games to win prizes and me and Nancy are holding hands and I look at Eddie and he has a smile on his face and I chuckle softly at him.

After being at the theme park:

We all exit the theme park, Nancy has a teddy bear in her free hand and so does Carol and Eddie has a bat stuffed animal in his arms has he holds it to his chest. I have my arm wraped around Nancys shoulder and we're in the parking lot. Tommy. Carol, and Nancy go into my car and it's just me and Eddie in front of my car. "Hey uh... I just wanted to say sorry for being a dick to you yesterday..." I say has I rub the back of my neck. "It's fine man." Eddie says softly and smiles brightly "I was wondering if we could be friends....?" I asked nervously and "Sure, I'd like that..." Eddie answered softly and I smile and he smiles back "Alright. Well... See you on Monday" Eddie said and rubbed the side my arm and ruffle my hair and I get a bit annoyed when he does so but I snicker. "Alright... See you on Monday...." I say and hop into my car and drive my friends and girlfriend home as Eddie walks home. I'm so happy he's my friend now...


1459 words!!!!!!! What the fuck!!!!

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