Chapter 1 : The Nightmare

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For those that miss it, this is a fanfiction of CharlieBabeWay however, it was focused more on BabeWay.


Babe and Way are best friend, or maybe the word brothers suit them more. Way is Babe's companion and trusted ally while for Way, Babe is his guiding light in the darkness and his love. However, it's all in the past because a broken porcelain can't be fix to be as it used to be. Even if it was put together again in an attempt to make everything turn to 'normal', the crack can't ever be mend just like their relationship and trust that have been broken.

Babe had always trusted Way. They were more than just friends; they were partners on the racetrack, a team that had faced countless challenges together. Way was the only person Babe had ever truly opened up to, the only one who had seen past his tough exterior to the vulnerable soul beneath. Their bond was unshakeable, or so Babe had thought.

It all changed during one fateful race. On that day that was like a curse to Babe and a sick nightmare for Way. Babe had notices that Way had been acting strange that day, his usually sharp focus wavering. His eyes, usually filled with determination, were clouded with an emotion Babe couldn't quite place. Concern gnawed at Babe, but he brushed it off, attributing it to the stress of the race. He kept comforting himself, telling his heart that Way will tell him if something is wrong. Maybe, just maybe if he talked to Way that day, he won't need to know this nightmarish revelation. Then nothing will change between them, and he won't lose the ones that dear to him.

It was at that time things started to go beyond his control, when in the middle of the race, disaster struck. Way's car and his trusted partner as Way love to call it, the sleek machine that was usually under his expert control, spun wildly out of control. It crashed into the barrier with a sickening crunch, and Babe could only watch in horror as smoke billowed from the wreckage. The world seems to stop and turn gray. The sickening smell of smoke and oil make his stomach churn and yet, he can't move from the stand. If only he didn't hurt his wrist, then this race won't be Way's race. It was supposed to be his game. Is it his fault that things turn out this way?

When the X-Hunter team was rushing to the hospital, Babe was consumed with worry. He can't think, and can't make sense of what happening. Yet somehow, he saw Way was being push toward the operation room. Alan signed the consent form, for he is Way guardian. While waiting for the doctor to come and assured him that Way will be fine, all that he could do was pacing the sterile, white corridors, his mind filled with worst-case scenarios. When the doctors finally emerged, their faces grim, Babe felt his heart drop. Dark thoughts start to corrode his mind, what if and just what if Way leave him?

"Mr. Way was alive, but unconscious. At this timed he has passed the critical timed, however we can't guarantee what will happen next" The words of the doctor that come from the operations room sound like the most beautiful sound to Babe at that time. The relief wash over Babe as he heard that Way survives, but it was short lived as worries for Way's future condition took over.

"Babe, you should go home and rest. I'll look after Way" Alan look at Babe, his voice is full of worries toward Babe and Way. He looks at Babe and saw his haggard appearance. Babe didn't leave Way side even for a moment since Way was put in the private room. He just kept holding Way's hand and stare at his face. "I don't want to P'. What if wake up?" Babe's refusal come almost automatically. Hearing that Alan could only sigh, he knows that nothing he did will make Babe change his mind.

"Then you should take a shower here, I'll bring your clothes and belongings" Alan tried to compromise because he knows that no one can force Babe, well unless if they're Way that is. His voice sound defeated, and Babe just nodded his head as the sign of agreeing. Alan walked out of that room leaving only Babe and Way. "Way, Way..... Please wake up. I'll promise you anything if you wake up, hmmm?" Babe's murmured was left unheard for. He stared at Way's face, his mind start to wonder. Way look like an angel when he sleep, it's almost seem blasphemous to hope for him to wake up. He looks so peaceful sleeping as if he has no worries left in this world, but then Babe prefers for Way to open his eyes and smile. His smile is always just so beautiful like a playful forest elf. His eyes will twinkle in amusement every so often. His Way will always be beautiful like no other.

'His? Why is Way mine? Way is my friend, so he IS mine. Right?' Babe furrowed his brown at his newfound realization, since when did he started to feel possessive of Way? Babe lifted his hand and stroked Way's hair and kept observing his face. His heart strated to ache looking at Way's seemingly peaceful sleep, not knowing when Way will wake is a pure torture. Watching Way sleep make Babe eyes grow heavy, a few minutes later only the sound of breathing remains in the room.

The sunlight illuminated the room, only the sound of the monitor fill the ward. When Alan arrived, he saw Babe sleeping while holding Way's hand. They look so calm and peaceful,  Alan almost forgot that they're at the hospital ward if not for the sound of the monitor attached to Way. Alan can't bear to wake Babe up, he walked towards the table and put Babe's cloths there. ^Charlie said that he will come tonight with your dinner, make sure to take a shower^ Alan left the note by the table side and left, he carefully close the door so that he won't disturb Babe's rest. He truly needs it at this time.

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