Chapter one: The boy on fire

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I wake up like it's any other day.. late. While my cabin mates yell at me that we're gonna be late I roll out of bed with a thud. I've always been a night person. I get up off the ground and rub the sleep out of my eye stumbling to the bathroom. As I'm brushing my teeth I hear yelling out side followed by the sound of something crashing into the water.

I run outside to check out the sound. Everyone crowded around the lake watching. I pushed through the crowd to get a look. I get to the front of the crowd to see Annabeth child of Athena, Butch child of Iris and three other people I don't know. One was tall blonde and muscular he had piercing blue eyes with a small scar above his lips. There was a girl with brown skin and brown hair chopped not so cleanly but she made it work. And last there was a boy short but still taller than me. Smooth brown skin, soft brown curls and, brown eyes that looked like they were full of a warm honey as they glisten in the sun. I watch that cute boy, he looked around confused and he briefly made eye contact with me. My heart raced and I felt my face get hot as his lips tugged into a small smile. It was in that moment I realized I was still in my pajamas with my hair messy. I felt embarrassed and got so red but he was even redder. Really REALLY red. Suddenly a hammer surrounded by fire appeared above his head making his whole body glow red. The symbol of Hephaestus god of fire and the forge. In that moment I was never more jealous. He had been at camp for 3 minutes and he had been claimed. I had been at camp for 3 years and still I was unclaimed.

In my jealousy I stormed off and went back to getting ready. I try to forget the face of the boy on fire but he stays in my mind holding my heart captive.

A/N: Hi! Sorry this first chapter is short I'm writing in the middle of French class. I plan to have the second chapter out by Friday or sooner.

Light of my night Leo X f!male readerWhere stories live. Discover now