Who is she..?

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*The next day came and I woke up to someone who sounded like a girl talking to me a then woke up and looked up at the girl* Rayu: h-huh... Zenia: Hey there sleepy head.. Rayu: h-huh..? Who are you... Zenia: my name is Zenia. *I get up* Rayu: Zenia.. okay.. well why are you here? Zenia: I came to bring you some food and water. Oh..  Thanks I guess.. Zenia: you're welcome. *She handed me the bag of food and I opened it and I saw Pancakes, Eggs, Sausages, and Bacon with some orange juice* Rayu: This is.. a lot. Zenia: well you see your pretty skinny so Xell assumed that you didnt eat well at home. Rayu: I do buts it's whatever.. *I look at the food* do you guys serve this to everyone? Zenia: we're only serving this to you because master Xell is obsessed with you and will do anything for you. Rayu: .. what a creep.... Zenia: at least it's better than what the others get. Rayu: I mean... I guess. *I picked up the fork and put the syrup on the pancakes and I began to start eating* Rayu: is Xell coming today..? Zenia: yes, yes he is. He comes every day or 2. Rayu: you got to be kidding me... can't he come another time..? Zenia: I unfortunately can't make that decision. But I do have a way to get you out.. Rayu: really..? Zenia: yes.. basically Yo- Xell: aww look at you guys getting along! *Me and Zenia then look at Xell who was standing in the entrance of the doorway still it his pjs* Xell: now Zenia repeat what you were saying..

- End of part 3..

- Note: I'm sorry if this part wasn't good it's just to much to write -

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