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Tuesday March 19th 224


I need to start these as soon as I end the entries.

I just haven't been wanting to start it. I dunno.

I didn't see the creep.

But two other boys be stomping. Like I used to be scared of it but now, I'm used to it. I'm used to the sound. It doesn't scare me.

Like if I don't flinch don't keep doing it! Makes no sense to me.

Never understand boys.

I've had the whole day. "Wave! Say hi! Smile! Damit do something!!!"

I didn't see em until I saw em go into a class right next to me.

Every time he sees me he looks with that half werid smile.

And no boy ever did that. I think he's just scared to talk. All of girls should understand...we see a boy, we like, we show our signs. I wonder of were more obvious🤔🤔. I dunno. I did it once and he noticed....unless I made it obvious. I think he also heard it at the same time.

He was sitting on the ground in the Cafe at a dance last year and my firends older then me started dragging me towards em.

Like they grabbed my hands and said "you gonna tell em"

And I think that's how he found out. Yeah, I tried to talk to em...I got his number....he ghosted me. I think he had an issue and xouldnt explain it.

I see a lot of men do it.

Best to give em a few months or more if no answer....then their problem has to do with a person that knows you.

So best to not talk to em. His name was Levi. He was kind of cute.

But the new boy....he's cuter....I got a bit of a crush. Lol. Not branch, he's my bro now sarrr😗😗😗.

JT is playing. "Cry me a river"

Cry me a river!!!

Cry me river!!!

Cry me a river!!!

Cry me a river!!!!

Cry me a river!!!

I listen to Anna Kendrick (poppy)

justin timberlake (branchie)

Skyler astin (branchie)

Andre (how to pronounce? Ondray)

Kid kudi (clay)

And the rest of the band....I couldn't find any for floyd sadly.

Now I gotta do Amanda Linktion. I didn't spell that right. I tried to spell it then used my microphone. Noin.

Sorry amanda!!

I might like her better then Anna. That's how I am with Justin and sky. I like sky better then Justin lol. Sorry justin💀💀

Masked Wolf is playing!!! (Astronot in the ocean)

I'm on the bus. Last kid other then me is about to be off.

On she had a birthday....I wonder what I could do this year.

I'm a November baby....so yeah,winter doing me dirty.

I was early baby. I was supposed to be at the end of November. But I popped out early. And I wasn't supposed to make it. But here I am.

I think I'm a mericle baby.

I sneeze three times, witch means good luck. I always sneezed 3 times when I was a baby. I still do. My mom said she only had to change me once a day. Was never an issue for her.

And when I'm in danger I get out safe and fast. I love Parkore and all.

And I used to sneak around to get snacks when I was at my moms house. And her bed room was right as the entrance of the kitchen and her bed was right there and alls she had to do was turn her head left and she'd see me.

But at the same time she wasn't able to due to her being handicapped and bad everything.

And she had wound care nurses and all so yeah, and the floor creaked. But they found out somehow...I do better at it now😈😈😈

I'm not supposed to eat anything at my house, when a child is starving she's gotta eat!!!! I know you can't eat at bed....but I can't starve.

I can't imagine the hunger Floyd felt for months. That child's gotta fucking eat!!!

Poor child!!!😭😭😭

I got a question, if you saw your idol. Would you wave to them or be a baby and cower?

I used to cower but if you see the chance it must be taken.


Love you~

Probably won't write much after this.



Watching two horror movies. I can't stop. There so cool.

There's a lot of blood.

This my 5th one watching alone. I'm also home alone. My dad might take me out tonight for dinner. I dunno when he's coming for me.

The movie I'm currently watching it called "Underworld Evolution"

And it's something to do with vampires and werewolves. I read the Description about it.


Love you~



Going to give this to you guys now.

I'm gonna try to before tomorrow starting entry.

Just put the date to start it off and all.

Love you~



MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora