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Thursday March 7th 224


Hi.....I was love kicking my aid yesterday in 2nd period and she took it as pain. I guess it hurt. My love language is hard. I don't mean it. She took it the wrong way.

I got mad and stormed off saying "fuck this shit"

My teacher Mrs. Koch yelled dude at me for curssing.

I didn't give a shit. I was so mad.

I was out and my aid was out there and I told her to stay away and she said she wasn't near me but it still felt like it.

Mr. Koch came out and asked what was wrong. Then he asked me if I wanted a yogurt. I guess to be silly.

I said yes.....

He said no one ever said yes to that.

My aid thought he and I was being for real. Well, I was he wasn't.


Yeah. Got better. But lost my electronics on that.

And well, thats why I wasn't able to publish yesterday.

Now I was going to the middle of Perkasie to see what I can do about baby sitting.

But we gotta pick up the cookies for tomorrow's party. I think I told you.

I also got dindie tonight.

Now girls. You know the . When you get to your time of the month. Well sometimes I forget or don't realize I'm going to get it and then I get stains and I forget to tell my dad. I told em about this morning. He said maybe me a dindie can get new und- (you know)

So yeah, might be doing that.

But my dad said he doesn't know if he's picking me up. And I gotta let someone know but 9th. Or my aid will text them.

Cause they will tell the buss. I also did tell my buss. But he has to know by lunch. Gives em enough time to think it through. I think he also has work. I hop he is.

It's also supposed to be rainy. Tomorrow is supposed to be good.

I also was talking to John. I was reading a book. If you read it you read it.

They were doing Minnie golf and he thought it was boring. I told em I did as well but wanted to know if it was true cause wattpad is not always accurate.

He said it was pretty boring and he rather do basketball.

I told em I didn't blame em. And etc.

So yeah, I'm also going to talk to em about the perfect family harmony. Seeing if he realizes if it was necessary to do in the first place.

He might of.

But imma check in with em.

Anyways. I'm at school. Also you might get the new books either today or tomorrow.

Love you~



I'm in class. We can do this. I'm not gonna stress. I'm going to have to *gags* c- I can't say his name!!!😭😭😭

My neck hurts my wrist and a little of my head.....I'm falling apart.

I'm so tired. Also Monday next week is a rams day. But it's more like scholastic stuff.

I forgot the difference but the same hours as a normal rams day.

I'm so tired this morning. I'm listening to music and on here til the daily ramble is done. It talks about the whole day but I never see the point cause I always forget it within a period. And teachers are saying it's nice....yeah it's nice when you forget it...right.

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