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Warthog hummed and leaned against the engine she was working on. "You picked up mechanics quickly."

"I learn fast." Karina bent over to reach something at the base of the cooling system. She fell over and got stuck in the engine, shrieking for help.

Warthog tugged her free. "Have you seen Wolffe lately? He's been acting weird."

Karina frowned, placing a finger on her chin. "I guess I haven't. He's been saying he's busy and he's been skipping meals with me."

"You should talk to him," Warthog said. He propped himself up against the engine, gazing around the hanger. "I would, but I think he'd rip my head off."

"I'll give it a try," Karina agreed, shooing him away from the section she needed to work on. "How's he been with the cadets?"

"He's actually been not bad with them. I think it's because they're getting better so he can't find as many flaws," Warthog mused aloud.

"Hey, I'm here to replace the fired mechanic."

Karina glanced up, meeting a smiling green Twi'lek with a scar along their lip. "Hello. I'm Karina."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Karina. I'm Vornia." The Twi'lek held out a hand.

Karina shook it, returning the friendly grin. "I look forward to working with you."

"I'm Warthog," Warthog interrupted.

"Hi, Warthog," Vornia greeted, placing a hand on their hip. "I'm starving, does anyone know where the cafeteria is?"

"I'll take you!" Warthog eagerly volunteered.

Karina watched them walk off together, shaking her head before returning to her work. She managed to reattach the engine to the ship it had came from before going to visit Wolffe in his office.

"Wolffe?" Karina called as she knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

Wolffe opened the door, staring down at her. "I'll need just about to go to dinner. Want to come?"

Karina nodded. "I wanted to talk to you about that. You've been missing meals with me."

Wolffe sighed. "Sorry, Karina," he regretfully said, "but it's been so busy."

"I get it." Karina squeezed Wolffe's hand. "I've been pretty busy too. But hopefully now that Deto's replacement is here, I might catch a break."

"Deto's replacement is here?" Wolffe didn't remove his hand from Karina's.

"Yeah, and they seem pretty nice." Karina grabbed a tray once they had entered the cafeteria. "Warthog seems to like them too."

Wolffe studied Warthog and what he assumed to be the new mechanic, noting how Warthog was laughing at something they said. "He certainly does."

Karina chose a table and sat down. Wolffe settled across from her.

"Is the cadet's training almost done?" Karina asked, wondering when they'd be leaving Kamino.

"They're doing good, so they might be done by next month." Wolffe tried not to focus on how pretty her eyes were.

"Do you think we'll get to go to a beach planet soon?" Karina's questioned excitedly. She shifted in her seat, brushing Wolffe's knee with her own.

"I'm not sure. You'd have to ask the general," Wolffe told her. "But he's currently on Coruscant."

Karina fiddled with her utensil. "I really want to see a beach." She looked at him with a lopsided grin, the corners of her eyes wrinkling. "Have you ever seen one?"

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