"Legend, I need you to tell me what the hell is going on." Harries instructed me. I nodded, "I don't have a brother." He gave me a look, "so why were you going along with it?" I sighed, twirling a blonde curl, "he'd do something to me," I whispered, "what would he do?" Harries asked nervously. "He would, erm, well you know how I don't bond well with you guys?" I blurted, he nodded and I carried on, "well, he's the reason why I don't trust people, he broke into the apartment and assaulted me, which is why I don't trust people, and why I haven't been normal today is that he was released from jail and he assaulted me again in an alleyway on my walk home. I'm scared, he's found my apartment, and he's going to do it again." Harries looked at me, and then the tower, a glare grew on his face. I looked around and smiled sadly. "Don't, pull anything." I said in a soft but deadly voice, taking Harries by surprise. "It's going to make the situation worse. I have a plan and it's going to work. Don't fuck it up." I said quietly. He nodded and lead me back to the tower. "Anyways, bro, you wanted to visit?" I asked the man cheerfully, he nodded and I wrote my address down for him, handing it to him, "is that all you needed?" I asked, he nodded, smiling his vicious smile at me again. "Well, I'll see you tonight," I smiled as he left. He waved and walked out of the tower, "he seemed so nice, Lege, why didn't you tell us about him?" Maxi said, cheerfully as the door shut. I shrugged, falling silent again, Harrison and Mouse aren't here tonight, how'd he figure it out? I sighed and pulled out my binoculars out.
7:00 PM
I took a deep breath, Harrison and Mouse had left about 30 minutes ago and I was expecting my assaulter any minute now. I pulled out my phone and texted Harries.
Harries 😎

I'm scared

Love, it's going to be okay, you said you have a plan

What if it doesn't work

Then let me know.

If I don't call you saying he's gone in an hour and a half, call the coppers

Will do darling, what's your plan

I'm going to let him do what he wants to me and after I'll call the police and pretend to order a pizza, then he'll be arrested, but if he knocks me out that doesn't really work.

Oh he's arrived, I'll talk to you later

Dear, this is going to hurt more for you

Just call the police in one hour okay
I took a big breath and opened the door, he walked in, and smiled at me, "never introduced myself and I'm going to be visiting you more at work, so you need to know my name, I'm Leo." He offered his hand. I took it, "and you'll know me as Lily." He squeezed it, smiling. I took a breath. "Well, dear, let's get started then." He whispered. Oh god no, it's so bad. I thought, but letting him. He kissed my lips and ran his hands down my body. My breath hitched in fear as he continued.

"Well, Lily, you didn't fight me today," he chuckled evilly. I smiled, "I'm going to order us a pizza," I said, dialing 911. He nodded, "I'll be back, Leo." I said. I walked to the kitchen, "hello, mate, may I order a pepperoni pizza?" The operator seemed confused. "You know that you're called 911?" I nodded, "oh, yes," they sighed, "okay, well what size?" I took a breath, "would a medium be enough for two people?" "Okay, yes, and is the man armed?" I shook my head, "no thank you, and yeah, we're at apartment, 7, on 163 Hall St." I said. "Okay, and we're sending two units out okay?" I nodded, "yes please, how long will it take to arrive?" I asked, "about 2 minutes out from your address." She responded. I smiled, "thank you." I hung up and sat back down on the couch. "Aw, thank you," Leo said. I nodded, "can I text my coworker please?" I asked. He nodded, "don't spill shit," he instructed. I nodded, "okay thank you."
Harries 😎

I'm okay, and coppers are on the way, but I'm terrified.

That man needs to throw himself off the north bondi cliffs.

Yes, and you can't tell Harrison and Mouse

I think they need to know

No, Harrison would kill him and Mouse would shatter, both of them would and I don't want to hurt them

You have to tell them, Legend, I promise.

But it's not gonna be a good reaction

I know this is a fear response, you need to tell them, or I will

You do it.
Well heard a knock on the door, and I smiled, "I'll get it." I said, Leo nodded and I went to the door, "I'll be back," I whispered, walking to greet the officers, "hello, dear, are you alright?" They asked, I nodded, "he's inside, the only man there, I had to let him hurt me, there wasn't another way." I said, a tear sliding out of my eyes. They nodded and went in. I slid to the ground, and sobbed. I hate him, and it feels like he'll never leave me alone. I thought desperately. A few minutes later I watched as Leo was transported to the police car for my apartment. I sighed in relief. "I can't stay home." I whispered. I gathered my things into a pile and texted the group chat
My Life ❤️❤️
Hey can I stay with any of you guys tonight?

Uh, what happened?

I wish dear, but we're not home, but, everyone, she needs a place, she'll explain when she gets there.

Lege, we can take you if you're okay with the couch.

Yes please Deano, I'll be over in a minute if that's okay.

Yeah that's fine Darling
I grabbed my uniform and my phone and beach bag. I put it into my car and drove to Deano's house.

"Dear, hello, Legend," Katy greeted me, I smiled and walked in. "Hello, Deano, thank you guys so much." I said, relieved. "Legend!!!" Lucy exclaimed, running in. I smiled and gave her a hug, Gussy ran in and gave me a hug, I have two families now, Harrison's personal family and the lifeguards and their family. I smiled softly. "Okay, you two, go to bed, Lege needs to talk to us, adult talk." Deano joked, ushering them off to bed, "now, that we're just us, what happened?" Deano asked, sitting down on the couch. "It- Leo, he came to my apartment," I said softly my voice breaking. "How did he find it?" Katy asked me. "He visited me in the tower, he introduced himself as my brother and I couldn't fight it without raising attention and making it worse, so I had to give it to him," I choked. "Legend, that's horrible." Deano said, pulling me into a hug, I fought the tears, but lost. The tears poured out of my eyes, "I hate him, he's going to kill me one day, I can't do it anymore," I sobbed into his shoulder, his wife held my hand and they just let me cry. "We won't let him hurt you again, none of us, we'll fight to the death of one of us if we have to," Deano said, I shook my head, "I couldn't let you do that, you're the only people I have left, I can't lose one or some of you to my own demons." My soft voice choked. "Well then, we'll get to him first." Deano simply stated. Katy nodded, "I'll help if I we'd need to." She said. I shook my head, "imagine if Lucy and Gussy lost you," I whispered, "hey, they'd have you, but it's okay," Deano said. I smiled slightly, and pulled away from them, "oh god I'm so sorry," I said, looking at his shirt, which was sopping wet, "oh, legend, when are you going to learn that none of this is your fault?" Deano asked me sadly. I shrugged, "well, Lege, it's going to be okay, go to sleep and we'll talk tomorrow." Deano said, standing up with Katy. I nodded and laid down on the couch, Katy found a blanket and tucked it around me. I drifted into a deep sleep.

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