chapter 10

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I ran as fast as I could, searching frantically for an exit. The darkness was unrelenting, like a shadowy prison. I could feel every muscle fiber shaking with exhaustion, and the air felt cold and dry in my lungs. I was starting to feel lightheaded from the combination of exhaustion and fear...

I could hear the stalker's footsteps getting louder and louder, his breaths getting heavier. I could feel his presence getting closer, his hands almost reaching out to take me. I could sense him closing in on me, and I was running out of time...

I kept running, faster and faster, pushing myself beyond my limits. The darkness was suffocating, and I could barely see anything ahead of me. The alleyway seemed endless, and I felt like I was running in circles. The only thing keeping me going was the sense of danger growing louder behind me...

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