chapter 6

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I couldn't stand to look at the stalker any longer. I couldn't risk provoking him, or giving him any excuse to go after me. I needed to get away, as fast as I could. I turned and started running, but no matter how fast I ran, I could swear I could still feel his eyes on me...

I could hear his footsteps behind me, his breath huffing and puffing as he chased after me. I could feel the fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins. I couldn't stop, I couldn't slow down. I just had to keep running as fast as I could, hoping that I could out run him...I ran as hard as I could, my legs burning and my lungs aching from the effort. I felt like I was running for my life, like if I slowed down even for a second, he would catch me and I'd be lost forever...

The sound of the stalkers footsteps was getting closer and closer. I could feel his presence getting closer behind me, just on the verge of catching me. I was running out of breath, out of momentum... I just had to keep running...

I could see the edge of town up ahead, the safety of civilization just around the corner. But the stalker was still getting closer, his footsteps getting louder with every step. I could hear his heavy breaths, and I could feel the fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins. I couldn't turn back now, I just had to keep running...

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