"You'll become one of us. From this day onwards, you're a member of the Armed Detective Agency."

Atsushi-kun's eye widened at the information just literally thrown at him, then-


"You heard him correct, Atsushi-kun. This maniac decided to take you in. Now it's your wish whether you want to join or not." I said pointing towards Dazai.

"Being called a maniac by someone who herself is, it's almost flattering. Almost... Ohhh⁓ I'm so sorry⁓ It must've hurt to realize that you're a maniac too⁓" Dazai said teasing me, while smirking too.

My face darkened. That's it.

I held his collar and shook him furiously. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU FUCKING WASTE OF OXYGEN-"

Akiko-chan sighs at the drama.

"Please ignore them, boy. You tell me, you want to join us?" Akiko-chan asked.

"I think I need some time to think about it..."

"I see....Ok, then! You can decide tomorrow. C'mon Yūki , it's enough drama for now." Akiko-chan called out to me.

"I HOPE YOU DIE! AND YOUR BODY ROTS- All right, Akiko-chan⁓" I swear, my mood swings are more faster than light.

"You know, your mood swings are still very scary." Rampo-san said to me, while chuckling a little bit.

"Really?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes, Really."

"It's very scary!" Kenji-kun said cheerfully.

Kunikida-san sighed wearily. "Can we all go home now & discuss this 'topic' later? We are already 5 minutes behind our usual bed time!" He said.


Everyone turned at the sound that disturbed them.

"I'll think of the offer, you know. But where am I supposed to sleep tonight?" Atsushi-kun asked us.

Shit, we forgot to think about that. But nothing to worry about that.

"Don't worry, Atsushi-kun. You can stay in my house." I told him.

"If Yūki-san is alright with that, then you can stay-" Kenji-kun was cut off by Dazai.

"You can stay in an apartment I had rented rather than staying in Yūki-chan's house." Dazai said, 'something' lurking in his brown eyes, as his ability prevented me from knowing what that 'something' was.

"Ok, then. Thank You, Dazai-san." Atsushi-kun quickly said, being aware of that 'something'.

Everyone sweat dropped at Dazai, being aware of that something. Why, What's that? Eh, Who cares?

"Do as you like, Dazai." I said.

Saying that I walked away, my arms behind my head & my eyes closed, as everyone watched me go.

❁ Jigokutenshi ● 地獄天使 ❁  [Dazai x oc]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz