1: Triple Spiral? No, Triskelion.

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Today is my 18th birthday and that means I'm getting my tattoo today. The second I woke up I booked it to the bathroom and tore my clothes off checking to see if I have my tattoo yet but I'm disappointed not seeing any sign of it. I get redressed and I get ready for school. When I reach the end of the stairs my dad's voice stops me from going out the door "Hey Sti come here." I walk over and he asks, "Did it come in?" 

I shake my head and he says, "I'm sure it'll show up at some point." I nod and say "I know. I should get going but I'll let you know after school if it comes in." He smiles and responds, "Okay kiddo see you later." I nod and turn going to the front door to leave. I walk to the jeep, and I toss my bag in before hopping into the jeep. I start the jeep and leave the driveway going towards the school.

~~mini timeskip~~


I arrive at school, and I park to see the whole pack waiting at the doors. I smile and grab my bag leaving the jeep. I walk to the pack and Scott walks in beside me as we all enter the school. Scott looks to me as I look at him and he asks, "Did you get it?" I shake my head and respond, "Not yet." He nods and we make our way to the cafeteria to get breakfast.



It's now lunch and as I was making my way there, I suddenly feel a hot sensation on my chest. I put my hand on my chest and I'm looking down at my chest thinking why. Then I look up as I realize, and I race to the bathroom first making sure I'm alone before I reach my hand to the bottom of my shirt removing my shirt. I look in the mirror to see a spiral but it's a triple spiral. I suddenly know what it's called and it's not a spiral but a triskelion. I put my shirt back on before leaving the bathroom and start going to the cafeteria again.

Once I get there, I walk over to get my lunch. Once I get my lunch, I leave the line and I walk over to the pack already there. I sit next to Scott, and he asks, "Anything yet?" I smile and I say "Yeah, it came in as I was walking here." 

Scott smiles a big smile and remarks "No way! That's awesome! Congrats!" He slaps my back and I look at him with a smile stating "Yeah I know but now the real challenge begins. I need to find whoever has the same one." Scott nods, states and asks "I'm sure you'll find whoever it is. Um, can I see it?" I smile and respond, "Yeah of course some on." I get up and I walk to the bathroom again, but this time with Scott in tow.

Once I determine that we're alone I take my shirt off and he looks at the tattoo in awe. He says "That tattoo looks cool. Good spot and size too." I smile and as I put my shirt back on I say "I know right." We leave the bathroom again and make our way back to the cafeteria. The second we both sit down Isaac asks, "So was it cool?" Scott replies "That's between Stiles and I." I smile and respond, "Thanks Scotty." He states, "No problem."



I arrive at the station to share the news with dad, and I walk in going up to Parrish asking, "Is my dad available?" He nods and says, "Just be sure to knock first just in case." I nod and go up to the door knocking. I get a response "enter." I open the door and he turns to face me. When he sees it's me, he smiles but before he can ask, I state, "It showed up as I was walking to lunch." He smiles even wider and comes over to me, then hugs me. I hug back and after he says, "Well what does it look like and where is it?" I answer "On my chest and the name of it came to me after I called it a triple spiral, but it's called a triskelion.

My dad nods and says, "How about your soulmate?" I tell him "No idea. I'm sure I'll get a feeling when I meet him or her." My dad then asks, "Well do you think your soulmate is female or male?" I think a bit and respond honestly "I don't know." He says, "Then what's your guess?" I think and I reply "Um . . ." I close my eyes trying to concentrate on my tattoo and the connection with my soulmate to maybe figure out if my soulmate is female or male.

I open my eyes thinking I know, and I respond, "I'm going to say male." He smiles and tells me "Well whoever or whatever they are I'm sure they'll love you." I smile and say "Yeah same with me. . . I hope. Anyways I'm going to head out now just thought I'd come by and let you know." He nods and waves as I leave out the door. I then get going to the pack meeting.

Start Date: 3/18/2024

Update Date: 3/25/2024

Edit Date: 4/26/2024

Words: 898

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