Chapter 12- Club

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Megan looks so different in heels and a tight black leather dress. Alter ego to her bookstore cute girl look. I say as much to her when I see her.

"Bitch" she says slapping me playfully on the arm. "I love you already."

I laugh as we walk into a nightclub that I'm completely unfamiliar with. Then again, I'm unfamiliar with most things in the city. This was our second time out since I've met her. The first time had been for coffee. It was short-lived because I had gotten called into work. This time, that wasn't going to happen.

Tonight, I'm wearing a short black dress with thin straps. Having thrown all my things in a small black clutch, I check my phone for any texts. Ugh. Still nothing. I need to stop checking my phone and enjoy my night, but this thing with Alec is bothering me. I don't like how we left things. This has been the longest two weeks of my life, not to mention the girls at the reception desk are now making my life utterly miserable. Alec still hadn't said a word to me.

Not wanting to start any drama at work, I will give him space and leave him alone. It is what it is. I'm here to work, and tonight I'm here to drink and forget.

"You look like you need a drink or ten," Megan says ordering us shots.

"You could say that. It's been a rough couple of weeks." I say, stuffing my phone back into my bag.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't make it out last week. It's been crazy at the bookstore. We had an author doing a book signing last week, and foot traffic always picks up after." she says as she moves the two shot glasses closer to us. The music is loud, and I am straining to hear her.

She hands me a shot glass and clink our glasses together. I drink it down fast because it burns. It's like fire as I swallow. It was a little late now, but I laugh because I should have eaten something earlier today. Sitting at the bar while we wait for Ethan we have a few more shots. It is his turn to close the bookstore, so we make small talk.

Megan is so easy to talk to. It's nice to have a friend again. It makes me miss Ella, more than I want to admit. Pushing the thought from my mind, I stand and pull Megan with me. I want to dance.

Megan is wild. She is so carefree. I'm glad that I called her to come out tonight. I need this. We dance around, losing ourselves to the music. I feel the alcohol kicking in.  Megan tells me she needs to pee so we walk to the bar and find Ethan and a few of his friends. 

Glancing at Ethan, I see him watching me. He looks different tonight. Attractive. His hair is sandy blonde and is disheveled, a few stray pieces hang down on his forehead. His eyes are an icy blue, and he has stubble from not shaving for a few days. He's in black jeans and a long-sleeved white collared shirt unbuttoned at the top, bearing a muscular chest.

 Well, shit. I flush, as those icy blue eyes meet mine. I realize I have been staring a little too long. Too many shots.

"Megan, let's go dance," I say. Almost ripping my arm off, she yanks me with her.

Pulling me along, she's telling me she is hooking up with one of the guys at the bar and needs me to distract her brother.

About to protest, Ethan walks up behind me and starts dancing. "So, you aren't a prude after all," I say. Distraction it is. Maybe alcohol isn't the best of ideas.

He laughs, "Ouch" he puts a hand on his chest. "You wound me".

"I doubt that. You don't look easily wounded," I say. I turn around and continue dancing. The apparent distraction. It is working. Ethan puts his hands on my hips, and we get lost in the music. I can't help but think that even though he is as attractive as he is, his touch doesn't feel like Alec's. The thought makes my heart sink, even with the amount of alcohol that I've had. The truth is that I miss him as much as I don't want to. He hurt me when he left me on the rooftop.

Timelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें