Chapter 1: Sweet expression

Start from the beginning

I think I could have been standing there in the middle of the room for a good 20 minutes until the sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, which didn't take more than two tries before it opened as if it were the most natural thing in the world, in the world. which came out a young woman no older than 30 dressed in what I thought was a cosplay of a nun's habit .

Leaving aside her choice of dress, the person didn't really look threatening, she was a young woman with a kind look, with back-length brown hair and a smile that made me think that everything was fine, to be honest, seeing her calmed me down enough to forget the situation I was in, I don't know, there was something in my body that made me feel protected being in her presence, almost instinctively.

As she noticed that I wasn't saying anything, the young nun approached me and spoke to me: - Are you okay? It's very rare that you miss breakfast, usually you'd be the first to get to the dining room table before the big kids finish your favorite snacks," she said, trying to avoid smiling before mentioning the last bit.

Coming out of my lethargy I noticed that the young Mother spoke to me with a certain familiarity and by tying up some dots I managed to understand that somehow she was no longer the adult I thought she was, because of the way she spoke to me and the recent size I acquired was obvious. knowing that he was a boy, to make matters worse a little boy, but how was this possible? Did I perhaps receive a second chance? If so, why am I not a baby? Or Why am I in an unknown place instead of the house I grew up in as a child? Hell, nothing made sense and I didn't know if this body was mine or if I somehow possessed and took away the opportunity to live from a child with a whole future ahead of him.

With all these doubts in my head I decided to make what was perhaps the dumbest decision to make when you find yourself in an unknown and totally incredible situation: Trust your life to a stranger.

Maybe because of the feeling that this young woman gave me or because of the panic that comes with being in an unknown situation, I chose to be honest and face whatever comes with a little optimism. I looked at her with the most defenseless look that I could do without feeling ridiculous for acting. like a baby and I told her what worried me the most: - Mother, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't remember anything, I don't know who I am or what I'm doing here, please help me Mother.

I was waiting for his response with puppy eyes as I examined her expression, I went from wanting to laugh as if it were a new joke that the local clown came up with to later turning pale and understanding the seriousness of the situation, I only realized that maybe I should have take this matter more discreetly and try to get more information before raising alarms when suddenly the mother looked me in the eyes and yelled at me: STAY RIGHT HERE! I GO FOR THE NURSE- only to run away with impressive speed and leaving me stunned in the room.

" Who would have thought that that young woman with such a sweet expression could raise her voice so much?" I said quietly as I closed the door and tried to recapitulate the entire situation. I tried to remain objective and think that maybe this situation is not so bad, that is, yes. , one cannot let go of an entire life in a few minutes without having one or another regret but come on! It's a second chance! who knows? Maybe this time things will be different, this place couldn't be so bad if it has people like the young mother who shows such concern for the well-being of a small child, evidently from what she said this place seems to be an orphanage, that was clear from What I mention about the older children and the standard of living that is observed in this room, I understand that this must be their job but it is always comforting to know that there are good people around you and what better way to start than as a child? Apparently I skipped that whole diaper stage and due to the size and composition of my body I shouldn't even be 10 years old yet.

If I analyze it well, this time with my level of knowledge and the emotional maturity that I have, I could achieve goals that I did not achieve in my past life. What does it matter that I could be an orphan? As long as I demonstrate competence and approach the right circles, any good family could adopt me or open doors to a better future for me, I just have to maintain a perfect facade, approach children from prominent families, help them a little, let them see that I have potential and my life will flow in the best possible way!

It's all a matter of following that line of thinking and I will have the life I always dreamed of, I will take advantage of the nepotism and lack of honest competition of my past life to rise to the highest strata in this new life !-

But like most things in life, all the plans and goals that I set for myself in those minutes while I was waiting for the first person I saw with these new eyes to return came to an end the moment I heard a light tapping on the floor. window.; Standing there in the frame was a small bird, one that looked so familiar and so strange at the same time that it shook me completely, with a smile that almost seemed to encompass my entire face and with eyes full of what could being the hope that had abandoned me for so long, I couldn't help but almost scream: PIDGEY!

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