Chapter 6: I Get Punched In The Face

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Only Will, Nico, and I made it to the white wrap-around porch of the big house. Austin and Kayla stayed with Jerry, Gracie, Yan, and the rest.

As I climbed up the worn steps, I heard WIll rehearsing what he was going to say to Chiron. Nico was still holding onto his hand, I was leaning on the handrail of the steps, white paint flaking off the old wood and sticking to my hand.

"Don't overthink It Will," Nico told him. Will nodded before looking over to where Chiron was speaking with some of the Ares cabin kids.

Chiron turned to look at the three of us. The whiteboards that made up the porch creaked under the weight of his horse half as he walked over toward us.

"Will, I believe I just sent Jerry to go look for you. Alexander here injured his arm, we were hoping you could be of assistance."

Alexander was indeed holding his arm like he at least sprained it. My half-brother looked at him very briefly before looking back at Chiron with a slightly exasperated expression.

" Chiron, we have something important to tell you," Nico began for Will,  taking a step forward towards the centaur.

"I'm afraid is going to have to wait,"  I have to speak with some of the other counselors about our preparations to welcome the huntresses later this week," Chiron replied as he practically shooed us off the porch, and an injured Alexander followed behind us.

Looking to Will Chiron addressed him again, "I'll be speaking with you on the matter sometime later, Mr.Solace, maybe you can tell me about it then." Chiron said as we all reached the grass at the steps of the Big house. "That is if you don't 'disappear' again."

I got the feeling that Chiron, and about half of Camp at this point knew that something was up with us. Axel definitely knew, and I could only wonder if he had already spoken to Chiron about it.  I guess we weren't very good actors, but I suppose that's why we're children of Apollo and not of Dionysus.

Still, I watch Chiron walk off disappointed that he didn't even give us the chance to speak. I understood he was busy, but it really wouldn't have taken more than a minute.

A part of me whispered that he might not even have believed or taken us seriously,  which I could also understand. If my father had been made mortal again, it no doubt was an Olympian matter and that was nothing for us to be overly concerned about.

"What now?" I asked Will as we should in the grass by the porch of the big house. "We just give up?"

"No," Will said, "When you come to talk to me about the preparations I'll raise our concerns."

"What if he tells us that it's none of our beeswax?"  I asked him, Will had a worried expression on his face but still managed a shrug and a tight smile.

"Then I suppose there's nothing we can do but wait," Will said before adding, "Besides it's not like  he's going to let us leave Camp without a prophecy or a quest."

He had a point.  I crossed my arms in front of myself and leaned back just so slightly so I was leaning on the handrail of the stairs.

"I—," I tried to start but Alexander interrupted.

"I'm sorry to interrupt what I'm sure isn't important, but I'm pretty sure I fractured my arm over here,"  Alexander interjected still holding his arm tightly against his body.

I watched  Nico flick his hurt arm with a pale finger, Alexander let out a strangled Cry of pain and then glared at Nico.

"What's your problem man?! I'm in pain!"

"Nico, don't do that,"  Will scolded, before doing his medical duties and turning to Alexander. "Alex, can you move your fingers?"

Alexander with a grimace on his face managed to very slightly wiggle his fingers.

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