The creatures in the woods

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The little boy left the kitchen in horror and shock at what he just saw, yet he told no one because his curiosity got the best of him. "He's just a child there is no reason to talk to him like he's your age!" The little boy could hear his mom quietly yelling at the bigger woman, as he quietly made his way up the stairs trying not to be heard. "That's no way to talk to your mother in law you dirty dirty girl", the elder replied, "No mother in law of mine is going to talk to my child like that." Silence filled the room as the older woman's eyes reduced in size and filled with rage, rage that was fueled with hate, nastiness and sire anger. "Out of every woman my son has brought home you are the only one I hoped would be a target in the hanest crimes committed against your kind of people, you know it would be a shame if your 'son' was a target ." The woman held her mouth open as if wanting to say something back, but she bit her tongue, and held a stern look on her face as she walked away going to her son's room. "That woman can go die in a ditch for all I care, no one ever talks about my son like that." she mumbled as she got farther away from the living room and closer to the young boys room, "Sweet pea, you in there." the woman said as she knocked on the door awaiting a response. "Yes, ma'am", entering the young boy's dark blue room, the walls covered in drawings of the things he'd seen outside the windows in the house. The woman looked around the room with a sense of worry, "Sweet pea, these drawings are starting to get out of control", "Sorry mom, I just think the creatures outside need to know I can see them." The woman had a look of slight confusion on her face as she questioned herself about what those 'creatures' could be, "Well I bet they're very thankful for your very beautiful interpretations-" "I think they like me", the little boy cut her off, staring at the drawing he just finished, of a short, slim figure all black with wide eyes and very small pupils almost the size of peas, and a wide shark like smile . "Well that's great sweet pea but dinner is almost done, be down in around 5 minutes" "Yes ma'am", as she walked out of the room the boy took his color pencils and crayons back to his night stand can cleaned up his papers, the boy was very particular about how is stuff was placed and what is did with it, he walked over to his desk and cleaned the pencil shavings off throwing them in the trash, then walking to his door closing it behind himself. 

This is the second chapter I honestly cant believe that this is actually happening. Again I am open to tips and please ignore any spelling and grammar mistakes (lol) - C.E. Fevers

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