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As we got closer to the reef part of us felt relieved for being done with flying but all of us hurt with the fact Neteyam wasn't joining us.

Once we crossed over the outside of the reef the people started to cheer at our return. We flew into the center of the island landing on the sand.

As we landed on the ground I dismounted from Iris watching the crowd of people coming forward for our return.

I made eye contact with Lo'ak, we both definitely thought we would all return as a family and we didn't see this day coming.

It felt weird feeling the sand on my feet rather than dirt and grass. It's slightly comfortable with the warmth from the sun beating on the sand making my feet warm as I walked on it

I walked by Lo'ak feeling everyones eyes on us made me slightly uncomfortable, they knew us now, but I can't imagine how to Sully's felt the first time they landed.

I stood by Lo'ak as Ronal came forward. We all signed to her "I see you," as she did to us.

She nodded to me smiling at my return. I gave her a small smile back even though I did not feel the want to smile.

Tonowari came forward from the water as well as his kids greeting us the same way Ronal did.

"Y/n," He nodded and smiled to me, "I heard you are the knew Toruk Makto," he said proudly.

"Yes sir I was," I said nodding in agreement but coldly.

"A mighty warrior has returned to us!" Tonowari said loudly causing the croud to cheer, " from what I hear, you guys fought well, and you lead wonderfully, you should be proud," he said placing his hand on my shoulder,

"I appreciate that sir," I said bowing my head feeling ashamed.

"Tonight we will celebrate the Sully's and Y/n's return," He raised his arm.

"We appreciate that Tonowari," Jake said stepping beside me placing his arm around me.  He knew my reaction to that wouldn't have been acceptable.

Tonowari dismissed us to head to our hut. Jake guided me forward but walked quicker to catch up with Neytiri.

As we began to walk I saw Tsireya and Aonung looking at Lo'ak and I with questioning looks. Aonung was about to speak but Lo'ak shook his head no.

I assume they were about to ask where Neteyam was seeing he wasn't with us.

When Lo'ak shook his head no Tsireya and Aonung both looked upset. I looked at them with a sad look in my eyes. Tsireya put her hand on her mouth and took it back off worded I'm sorry to me.

Lo'ak slightly guided me to walk with the rest of the family to our hut by placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Did the chief and Tsahik not notice?" I asked whispering to Lo'ak.

"I'm not sure but I think Tsireya and Aonung will tell them," Lo'ak whispered back to me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second while walking.

We walked into the hut setting our stuff down in our own little spots.

"Y/n, I know you may not feel like celebrating but it is best we go out this evening," Jake said from where he was standing.

"There is nothing to celebrate until I kill every last sky demon on this planet," I said looking at my bow deeply then setting it down, "but I will join, celebrating, not too much," I said turning around.

"We understand y/n, but you need to take a break, you can't let your rage control you," Neytiri said.

"I don't think you guys do understand, I don't mean to say you don't feel the pain because he was part of your family, but you still have your mate, I will never have that ever again in my life" I said calmly. Everyone realized I was right and Neteyam would be my only lover.

The Girl Eywa Keeps Alive (Neteyam x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora