Episode 5: Kindness Kills The Bitch

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Alligators walked back in their cabin as Vivian was annoyed by the vote. "Why do you guys keep saving Eugene." She said, as she walked in the room as Eugene and Antonio walked into their room. "Thank you for helping me out." Eugene said as Antonio jumped in his bed, "Don't worry about it, just don't do me wrong." He said as Eugene looked. 


"I wonder when Ethan will return." Johnny said as he was sitting with Jason. "Should be soon, but I wonder what is at banishment." Jason said as they were curious. 

Ethan going to banishment again helps my game. I see him as a number for me, and I think he does as well. The dynamic on this team is Kyle and Riley, with Ethan, myself and Jason as wild cards. I have to keep my eyes open if we ever go to the ceremony because I refuse to let Riley and Kyle get their way when they don't have the numbers -Johnny

Riley and Kyle were getting ready for today's challenge, talking about what could happen today with Ethan. "It's kind of weird that Ethan didn't come back this time after the banishment." Kyle said as Riley looked, "Yeah, I wonder if he was told to wait until the challenge starts." Riley said.

So Ethan has not returned from banishment which is very very weird. I do think he could something good that kept him from coming back right away. I know Kyle sees Ethan as our third number, but something tells me Ethan has something up his sleeve that we will see very very soon -Riley

"Do you know what he got from the last banishment?" Riley asked as Kyle tried not to make it obvious he knew what it was. "I have no clue, but hopefully it is something that can benefit us in the end." He said.


Since the ceremony, Saki has not spoken to Cynthia. 

Cynthia once again has proven that she cannot be trusted when the numbers are down. Last season, she went against the spy girls and this time she let the new comers get the upper hand. I understand you want to play a game that people respect, but why is a pile of burning trash -Saki

"Once again we have succeeded." Joshua said brushing his hair as Anette was smiling, "I know. I do feel bad that it was Helena, but I think she was the strongest person on the team and with big threats going home left and right, she was bound to be the next one." Anette said as Joshua nodded.

Taking out Helena was not a personal move, whatsoever. I knew that if Helena stayed in she would soon flip on Joshua or I to keep herself in a strong position like she always is. It showed when she voted Joshua and not Cynthia, so I knew she was playing both sides to keep herself to not look like a threat -Anette

"Now we have Cynthia and Saki upset at each other which just helped out game become more stronger than it already was." Joshua said as Anette laughed.

Did I manipulate Cynthia too voting Helena? Of course. And she took the bait, kindness kills the bitch. And now I know how to run this game. -Joshua

Everyone walks into the challenge. "Wolfpack take a look who got voted out the ceremony, Helena and Karima." Shirley said as everyone was shocked. "Everyone's playing too hard, I don't like it." Riley said as Kyle nodded. Ethan walked in from banishment, "Welcome Ethan back." Shirley.

"Welcome to your next challenge of Love and Hope Island, Thailand." Shirley said as they looked, "For today's challenge, your team will be holding a bag of sandbags in the air stringed to a mini boat that contains water. If you let your sandbags go the water will drop and you are eliminated. The first team to drop will be heading to the ceremony, this is not a double elimination." Shirley said as they were relieved. "Wolfpack, you have to sit out one more person on your team who are you sitting out." Shirley says as Ethan puts his hand up, "I will." He said as Shirley nodded.

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