Episode 3: Don't Care if you're a Vet

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The Bandits came back from the ceremony and everyone got ready for bed after an interesting ceremony. Kyle was upset that they did not like the result of Star being eliminated. 

Tonight was a annoying ceremony, the vote would of been a easy way to get Cynthia out, but no they didn't want to do that. Am I playing with veterans or a bunch of people who don't want to win the game -Kyle

"Odyssey, why didn't you vote out Cynthia, we had the votes." Kyle said as Odyssey crossed her arms leaning on the wall. "It wasn't going to help us. Cynthia is a easy vote out. I understand you are frustrated, but I will keep you safe." Odyssey said.

Tonight I decided to make the safest move right now which was taking Star out. I know we had the votes to make a huge move, but longevity mindset will help me win this game -Odyssey

 Cynthia and Karima were sitting in the room getting ready for bed talking about what happened with the vote, and how close it was. "I can't believe people tried to already take you out, they failed and showed their cards." Karima said as Cynthia shrugged.

Tonight's vote was really interesting, Kyle, Johnny, and Star decided to ban together and tried to blindside Cynthia, but it failed because Odyssey and Joshua did not flip. I do think that Odyssey and Joshua are the wildcards right now in this predicament -Karima

"How do you feel about Joshua and Odyssey." Karima asked as Cynthia, "We need to watch out for them. I do think they have something up their sleeve and with Ethan gone still, I think we need to be smart." Cynthia said as Karima nodded.

It was a new day in the game and Ethan was on his way to return to the Bandits house after being banished. 

I am heading back to the Bandits house and I am very intrigued to see who got eliminated. Without having a vote at the next ceremony is super frightening because anything can happen at a ceremony and we have seen it so much last season -Ethan

 "Hey everyone." Ethan said entering in the house as they waved at him. "Welcome back, how was it." Odyssey asked. "It was interesting, I had to sleep in a dark hut by myself and I never want to do that again." He said as he looked around, "So who eliminated." He asked. "Star did." Kyle said as he nodded his head.

Ethan comes in and he looks very nervous and confused. He claims that he had to sleep in a hut, which is probably true, but I feel like there is more to this story -Kyle

Ethan and Kyle walked to the other room as Joshua and Odyssey were spying on them.  "So when I went to the banishment. I had to pick from two vases and one was a advantage and one was losing vote. And I got losing a vote." Ethan said as Kyle was shocked, "So that means you have no vote next ceremony." Kyle said as Ethan nodded. 

Ethan tells me that he loses his vote, I think that hurts our chances of making a move, I think we need to keep this a secret or then we are toast the next ceremony -Kyle

"We cannot tell anyone about the no vote." Kyle said as Ethan nodded as Odyssey and Joshua ran away from the room.

Everyone walked to the next challenge of the season. This challenge was a bit different they were expecting, they saw different two big platforms. The Wolfpack entered first, as they looked at The Bandits. "Bandits take a look at the new Wolfpack, Star eliminated last ceremony." Shirley said as they shrugged, "Not surprise." Odyssey said. "What is this." Johnny said looking at the platforms.

"Welcome to your next challenge, for today's challenge everyone will be holding onto a glass platform trying to hang as long as you can. Every two minutes the platform will incline making it hard to hold on. Last team standing will win." Shirley said as everyone looked. "Seems easy, let's hope we can do this." Joshua mumbled.

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