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Sometime in early November 1989

I feel like everyone has some weird Heathers ships or at least that is what I tell myself to help me sleep at night so I don't have to face the fact that my view on relationships has been changed thoroughly because of this musical/movie  :))

1. Jdronica

This one is self-explanatory ik that the relationship is toxic and JD is a horrible boyfriend but frankly, I couldn't care less I like them together and I think they are cute

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Honestly, I think people who don't support them together have something fundamentally wrong with their brain chemistry because why?

Sure JD is toxic but at least in the musical he actually loved her I mean he killed for he how romantic is that?

Veronica also broke into his house so they could shag (I'm not British I just like that word) is that not couple goals?

2. Mcsawyer

This one actually makes some sense just look at how they interact throughout the movie/musical

This is literally one of my only non toxic ships and I live for it 

I really don't have too many reasons other than the fact it's cute 

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3. ChanSaw

I don't have many opinions on this one but I do like the mean fem lesbian with the awkward little bisexual trope 

BUT it is hard for me to ship Veronica/JD with anyone but each other because that ship is my will to live :) as well as the fact that the ship doesn't work very well in practice (from what I've seen)

BUT it is hard for me to ship Veronica/JD with anyone but each other because that ship is my will to live :) as well as the fact that the ship doesn't work very well in practice (from what I've seen)

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Need I say more?

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Need I say more?

4. JDxMcNamara

Words cannot describe how much I HATE this ship mostly because I think them being friends and almost sibling like is so so so cute and I actually live for it so them being a romantic ship feels almost incestuous? 

I refuse to put a picture of this one up

5. JDxDuke

Ok I know this one sounds bad but just hear me out

Heather Duke is a "mega bitch" as Veronica puts it and JD is a deranged sociopath literally name a better match of personalities (that's a trick question because you can't)

Anyway Heather Duke wants power and JD wants revenge on a society he believes has wrong him together they could be unstoppable a true Bonnie and Clyde. Veronica couldn't handle JD and his ✨personality✨ but Heather most definitely could. Heather also could probably bring JD back down to reality if it ever goes too far which it probably will. I have no evidence whatsoever to support this claim but it's still true

Couldn't find a picture ://

6. JDxMartha

I have no excuse for this one and trust in me I've already been shunned for liking these two together by my entire friend group


Is the emotionally damaged emo boy and the emotionally damaged human personification of cotton candy not actually so cute?!

Listen I get it JD is objectively a bad person and Martha is the polar opposite but do you not see it just a little bit if for nothing more than aesthetic reasons?

I've literally never seen this one from other people (maybe that's for the best) so no picture

that's all  :-|

I don't really care about any other Heathers ships 

McDuke is overrated and doesn't even deserve a spot on my tier list🖕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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