Heather Marinara

28 3 10

I think we can all agree that Heather McNamara is one of the best characters in Heathers both in the movie and musical, HOWEVER as I said previously with the Heathers musical the writing has a tendency to swing the traits of said character one way or the other. 

For Heather Mac, they made her into a little cinnamon bun which she is not

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For Heather Mac, they made her into a little cinnamon bun which she is not. 

McNamara sure is the nicest and debatable the most sympathetic Heather in the movie but particularly in the musical which I don't love.

I think we need to remember that even though Heather is kind and likable she is still a Heather. She still puts the fake love note on Martha's lunch tray. She refuses to let Veronica in the car during blue so she just sits there doing NOTHING about a possibly sa of her friend.

As well as in the aftermath of Blue Heather goes along with the sword fight claim those little bitches Kurt and Ram made.

I do like how in some parts of the musical they show Mac in a more bitchey light for example Candy Store (istg she was brutal in that.)

I'm sure she was being influenced by Duke in some ways but that does not take away from the fact that her actions are her own.

Heather McNamara is also a TERRIBLE friend. I know that in Beautiful she's all like "You should see a doctor Heather." But that is the ONLY time she is shown caring for Duke's wellbeing throughout her near constant berating on account of Chandler.

Of course I know all the Heathers are AWFUL friends and Mac was probably too scared of facing Chandlers wrath buttttt she could have still tried to be there for her friend like maybe i don't know LISTENING TO WHAT HEATHER HAD TO SAYYYY?!?!

Or called Heather or something

I don't want it so seem like I am blaming Mac for Chans asshole behavior because I am not I just feel like she should have done something even if small to make Duke feel less alone

I also am aware that Heather Duke is HORRIBLE to McNamara but at this early point in the story that is yet to happen.

On a lighter note,

THE FANDOM™ Has further pushed this by making Mac into the ultimate victim who can do no wrong. I am all for fans making their cute lil fluff shit in fact I love it BUUTTT I think we can make fluff without taking away all a charter's negative attributes. To be fair this point does work better for other characters like JD but that's another story for another chapter.

But ily fluff writers <333

That's all thanks for reading my dudes have a good day. 

Go break some laws!!

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