I'm in WGVRP now.

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Note: This story part was originally written on March 18th. I'm just publishing it now.

So a while ago I posted on my message board saying that I joined Wanny Gaming's Discord server. I did the applications and such and a few days ago, I joined a session for the first time.

I don't know if I am allowed to disclose anything about how they work, but all I will say as that they do this "session release". They do reinvites if the server isn't full. I believe that's all I can mention.

Also, a little funny thing: when you are in a session, let's say you hit something by accident. You would have to "exchange" with it. Even if you hit a pole, you would have to type "exchange" into the chat. Like I am not going to exchange with a freaking pole bro.

(Anyways I'm sorry if this story part sounds cringy)

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