"Do you want more tea?" Reneé asked.

"No thanks, I should probably go now." The blonde smiled at the older girl.

"Oh, okay." She was a little disappointed that Victoria left. This short time that she was with the blonde she enjoyed it and she didn't want it to end, what if when they returned to the stage they would hate each other again? She was also a little afraid that the blonde would come back with another bruise on her face.

After Victoria changed back to her clothes she thanked Reneé once again and then left.

When the blue-eyed girl closed the door, her apartment became silent, she felt alone, somehow the presence of the girl made the place feel brighter, now it was normal again. Or maybe she was just going mad.

Victoria was outside her best friend's apartment. She had not called her to tell her that she was coming, it was already after 12pm so she hoped that she would be home.

She knocked on the door and a few seconds later Ally opened the door. "Vicky! Hi! Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Come on in." The brunette pulled her inside the apartment.

Once in, Victoria took off her shoes and walked directly to the couch, she sat cross-legged on the couch to be comfortable. Ally sat beside her and rested her head on the blonde's shoulder.

"How did the show go? I'm sorry I couldn't go." Victoria gave her a small smile and a short kiss on the brunette's forehead. "I read online that it was awesome!"

Ally raised her hands. "People said that Cady was awesome," She gave Victoria a playful smirk. "You truly are a superstar!" And then she proceeded to throw herself on top of the blonde and wrap her arms around her.

"Ally! You are asphyxiating me!" Victoria chuckled and tickled Ally on her sides, she started moving from side to side, laughing.

When Victoria released her, they both gasped for air due to so much movement. They both sat down again facing each other.

Ally clapped her hands once. "Tell me everything! Were you nervous? Excited? Did you fight with the girl you always talk about again?" The blonde is surprised at how quickly her friend spoke, clearly excited beyond measure.

"I don't always talk about her!" If Ally had told her that a few days earlier she would be totally mad, but now the simple mention of Reneé made her feel good.

"Don't lie to yourself! Almost everyday you call me and be like; "Oh Ally! This girl is being mean to me again, so I will be mean to her too!"

Ally nudged her lightly with her elbow with a big toothy smile, and Victoria was red up to her ears. "First of all, I don't talk like that and second, something happened." Victoria turned serious and so did Ally after looking at her friend's expression.

"Before the show she was nice to me," The blonde looked at her hands and then at Ally. "Jake didn't arrive." She blurted out.

The girl in front of her gave her a strange look, "What do you mean by that? Something happened to him?"

Victoria sighed, "No, he just forgot or something, I actually don't know." Victoria let out a frustrated moan.

"Okay baby, calm down." She took the blonde's not injured hand between her's. "Explain to me everything."

"I asked Jake if he could go to the function, but he didn't arrive. I called him and asked him if he forgot," Victoria stopped talking.

"And what happened?"

"He said that he needed to take care of some shit from his work, but I know he was lying. I know him well." The blonde caressed the hands of the girl in front of her.

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