Chapter 2

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The gang get ready for bed time but,,, then Ayumi said, "You stupid fucking bitch he's mine." Naomi says with her eyes on fire, "No." Ayumi then grabs Satoshits fist and punches Naomi to the death. Naomi on the verge of death screams, "I will not let you win!" then she gives birth to the Corpse Party Book of Shadows and then does a spell on Ayumi which turns her into a pen. Naomi picks up Ayupen and then writes her name in the Book of Shadows and then the pens ink runs out and Ayumi dies. The book then goes "Grrrrr I hate INK!" Then he chops Naomi up into small minced meat, then turns her into a sausage as the book shouts "LETS SAUSAGE" (Imagine Ordinary Sausage) then he eats her with his book mouth and she screams, "Nooooooo,,," but to no avail as she is a dead sausage. Ms Yui finally spawns into the school, "Guys we need to get ou-" she is then crushed and dead. Seiko, sad that Naomi is eaten then hangs herself by her own hands and dies too in her body. Yoshiki also sad the Ayumi girl is dead then chooses to explode his face with a hammer, -OH WAIT NO HE DIDNT CHOOSE THIS! YOSHIKAZU IS KILLING HIM OH GOD GUYS RUN NOOOOO! Satoshit and Yuka are paralysed with fear and then Yoshikazu and Sachiko both focus and combo kill Satoshi as he pushes Yuka out of the room saving her. "I'll never forget you Big Brother" Said Yuka, piss in her eyes. As she walks alone in the school she bashes into Kizami who says, "Hello rabbit" As he says this, Yuka falls in love with this stranger and they hold hand in hand as brother and sister, never to think of that other guy ever again. They are then found a week later, dead, but smiling, they were together and happy which is cute I think.

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