The Southern Air Temple

Start from the beginning

We then catch up with Aang as he stopped at a cliff. "So that's where my friends and I would play airball, and over there is where the bison would sleep. And..." Aang sighs as he stops talking. "What's wrong?" Katara asks him. This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds. I can't believe how much things have changed." I frown in sympathy. I look to see Katara and Sokka share look. "So, uh, this airball game-How do you play?" Sokka asks as we all stand with Aang.

Next thing I knew, I was standing with Katara as the boys were standing on pillars as they play airball. Safe to say, Sokka lost. Big time. He ended up going through his goal as Aang flew the ball at him. I smile as Aang laughs, "Aang 7, Sokka 0." That cheered him up. I look over at Sokka since he crashed into a bush to my left. "Making him feel better is putting me in a world of hurt." He says. I giggle as I walk over and bend down to remove a stick in his hair. "But it was sweet of you to do." I tell him. He gives me an annoyed look then pushes himself up. But then he crawls away and I look over to where he's going only to widen my eyes as I see a helmet. One worn by a Fire Nation soldier. I stand up and walk over then get down on one knee as I examine it.

If a Fire Nation soldier's helmet is here. Then that means the Fire Nation found a way. And if they found a way, then that means... I close my eyes. But then I jump as snow landed on me. I stand up as I wipe it off. "What is it?" I wipe away the snow on my face as I see Aang stand next to Katara. "Uh... Just a new waterbending move I learned." "Nice one. But enough practicing. We have a whole temple to see." Aang then walks off. "You know, you can't protect him forever." Sokka says, but Katara walks away. I understand her reasoning but I only shake my head. He's gonna find out. Eventually.

We then made it to an area that had a fountain in the middle of it, but had no water in it. Aang was walking around while Sokka and I talk to Katara. "Katara, firebenders were here. You can't pretend they weren't." Sokka says but Katara walks past us. "I can for Aang's sake." She says. Okay. That's it. I walk up and grab her shoulder. Turing her around to face me, "Katara, Sokka is right. We cannot pretend that firebenders weren't here because they were. And I understand that you are only trying to keep Aang from getting hurt but he needs to know in order to understand the damage that The War has caused." I tell her. She looks away from me. Stubborn. Well I'm stubborn, too. I cross my arms as I look down at her, "Listen, I get that losing your mother hurt, but Aang has a right to know about what happened to his people. You will be giving him false hope." I tell her. She then glares up at me, "How would you know what loss feels like? You never knew your mother."

Third Person P.O.V.

(Y/N) flinches as Katara said that. Katara turns away from her but then realizes what she said as her eyes widen as she feels guilt for what she said but walks on. Sokka rests a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "She didn't mean it." He says softly to her. (Y/N) looks down on the ground as she frowns sadly. "I know. But it still hurts." (Y/N) says, her voice cracking a little. She then follows Katara as did Sokka. "Hey, guys!" They all look to see Aang look back at him as he stands before a statue of a man. "I want you to meet somebody." Aang says. "Who's that?" Sokka asks. Aang faces the statue with a smile on his face. "Monk Gyatso, the greatest airbender in the world. He taught me everything I know." Aang answers then bows to the statue. He then remembers a memory of him and Gyasto.

"But the true secret is in the gooey center." Gyatso says to Aang as he takes out a cake and uses airbending to make the filling rise and swirl. "Hmm." Aang hums as he sits on the ledge, not really paying attention. Gyatso notices as he places the cake on the ledge with three others. "My ancient cake making technique isn't the only thing on your mind, is it, Aang?" Gyatso says. His voice soft and patient as he speaks to Aang. "This whole Avatar thing- Maybe the monks made a mistake." Aang says, turning his body so that his feet dangle off the edge. "The only mistake the made was telling you before you turned 16. But we can't concern ourselves with what was. We must act on what is." Gyatso says as he then waves his arm at the lively activity of the Southern Air Temple. Bisons eating the vegetation and people walking along the grounds.

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