-Sunrise -

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♤A/n- I'm back y'all idk what I'm doing but I'm back so enjoy the silly no proofread chapters of this silly little human
Love y'all , enjoyy♤

Someone's pov -

The Next morning Felix woke up with hyunjin's head buried In his back and the wall they built with pillows destroyed , he turned around and faced Hyunjin making Their position even more awkward with hyunjin's head tucked under felix's chin
"Hwang" Felix whispered trying to wake hyunjin
"Mmm" hyunjin whined burying his head into felix's chest even more
"Hwang come on wake up" Felix whispered again
After calling out Hyunjin's name or last name multiple times he decides to flick him on the forehead to wake him up and as hyunjin started returning from his dreamland to reality and realised that he was hugging the prince he immediately pushed himself off him
"Oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he exclaimed but got cut off
"Yeah alright get yourself a mattress today tho" Felix replied in the deepest morning voice and a strained tone
"Yes your highness" Hyunjin replied and got off the bed and immediately jumped back with a scream
"Aaah" he exclaimed scaring the shit out of the Prince
"What now ?" Felix said as he turned around to look at his guard
"Why are there cockroaches in a prince's room" he shouted
"You're scared of a cockroach ?" Felix asked amusement filling his tone
"Yeah yeah please get it away from here " Hyunjin replied
"You're supposed to be a royal guard and you're scared of a cockroach?" Felix asked again
"Oh god yes can you please kill it" Hyunjin replied
"Stop being a baby that cockroach cannot harm your ass and if you're scared of that I'm not sure if you're qualified to even be a royal guard . Who even gave you the damn position?" Felix exclaimed walking towards the washroom
"In all your glory your highness can you shut up and kill the damn cockroach " Hyunjin exaggerated with a eyeroll
And felix smiled though  Hyunjin couldn't see it Felix smiled at his remark because this is first time someone has told him ,a royal to shut up and ordered him around
"Nope you're gonna have to fight that guy " Felix replied and entered the washroom
"Asshole" he shouted
Felix peeked his head from the door and raised an eye brow at hyunjin
"What? Mr. I won't call you by your name because I am supposed to refer to you by your royal title but I would definitely call you an asshole" Felix groaned
"Well guess what your asshole of a highness you achieved 'asshole' as your new royal title by your royal chancellor and guard " responded
Felix didn't reply he just chuckled and closed the door back again
After a few seconds jihyo knocked at the door
"Come in please " Hyunjin insisted and jihyo entered the room
"What are you doing hyunjinnie?" She asked once she saw hyunjin standing on the bed
"There was a cockroach here can you check if it's gone?" He asked
"There's no cockroach here " she replied
"Thanks noona " he replied as he climed off the bed and felix walked out
"So the cockroach is gone now ?" He teased
"Yes your highness" hyunjin replied
"I thought you gave me a new title " he asked
"Respectfully you're reallyyy annoying your highness " Hyunjin countered
"It's good to see you guys are fine with each other but Felix you have a visit to the children's cancer hospital so get ready and come down for breakfast , both of you ." She announced
"Yes noona" Felix replied and hyunjin nodded
Jihyo smiled at them both and left the room
"Look a cockroach " Felix put out pointing a finger behind hyunjin making him jump , loose balance and fall on him
Both of them fell and Hyunjin kept his hand behind felix's head So he doesn't get hurt but when he noticed how close he was to the prince a red colour crept up to his ears and cheeks
"Since when do I make you blush Hwang?also do you plan to get off me today or are you liking me being under you  a little too much?" Felix teased
"Can you not be annoying for once ?" Hyunjin asked as he got up
"Can you do your job properly for once?" Felix snapped back
"Shut up" Hyunjin replied and walked out of the room flustered after he left Felix also went to take a shower
When Hyunjin came back to felix's room after getting dressed he found felix shirtless again with a towel wrapped around his waist , he was standing infront of his wardrobe with his hair wet , water trailing down his back and that's when hyunjin noticed the tattoos on the prince's back
"When will you learn to knock Hwang?" Felix asked turning around
"You have tattoos ?" Hyunjin objected
"Yes " Felix replied
"Royals are allowed to have tattoos ?" He asked
"Yes" Felix replied
Hyunjin was in awe of felix's tattoos and he definitely found them cool but he would never admit it

Say my Name  (Hyunlix) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant