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Paige POV

I walked out of Ivys dorm, I felt terrible for breaking up with her, but i had to.


"Paige, can we talk for a minute." Caroline asked when she walked up to me after the game.
"What do you want." She just smiles and pulls out her phone. She shows a video of me kissing ivy.
"You either break up with her or I tell coach you two are together."

This was the only thing I could do, I had no choice. I couldn't ruin this for her. She loves playing basketball. I hated seeing the heartbreak on her face. When I get back to my dorm, I head straight to my room. I get a text from Caroline.


Did you do it?

Yes, I did.


And with that, I leave her on open, we have practice later but I know I'm not going to be able to do that so I get some alcohol and I drink a lot. When it comes time to practice, I'm completely drunk, but I head to the gym anyway.


I'm at the gym, and I'm trying so hard to keep everything together. Paige is late. Maybe she's not coming. As soon as I think some, a drunk paige buecker stumbles into the gym. "Hey guys, I'm here." Paiges starts slurring her words.
"BUECKERS." Geno screams, "You're showing up to practice drunk now."
"Coach chill, I barely drank anything."
I can see this ending badly, so before it escalates, I drag paige away to the locker room.
"What are you doing paige, why are you drunk." My voice is slightly raised. As much as I want to hate her, I'm still in love with her, and I don't want her basketball career over.
"Vee, you look so pretty."
"What is going on with you." I ask as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
Azzi walks into the room and looks between us. "Coach said to come practice and paige go home." I nod at her words and turn back to paige. "Get it together, Paige. we don't need you ruining this team." I say harshly before walking out.

I know this chapter is really short. I'm not sure what I want to happen yet. But I'll try to update soon.
Also, like the plot twist, yall thought they hated Caroline for no reason.

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