"Hello, sweetheart," I said, opening the door to a small girl. "I lost my mommy," she whispered. "It's okay, come in sweetheart, okay?" I said, smiling at her, "okay," she whispered. "I'm proud of you for coming to the tower, that was a good idea hunni." I said, making her giggle. "Okay, hun, how old are you sweet girl?" I asked her. "I'm 5, and I'm Lily." She said, I grinned and caught Jess's eye, "oh that's so cool, and how olds your mummy and what's her name?" I asked her. "She 18, and her names Elisa." I looked at her surprised, "oh," she giggled, "well, she's adopted me, from our parents I'm her actual sister but she's my mummy now." She explained. Lily and Elisa, the same ages... I thought, "okay, so we can call her through the megaphone, okay?" Jesse said, taking over the situation. She nodded and he motioned for me to leave.

I walked out of the tower, taking a shaky breath, "oh god I hope they're better than my past of Lily and Elisa," I whispered. I walked over to North bondi, where Mouse was, and a tear slipped down my cheek. I walked over to Mouse from behind and gave him a bug hug. "Woah what are you doing I have a-oh," he exclaimed, looking a little irritated. "Oh, god, Mouse." I muttered chuckling. "Lege, you okay?" He asked, looking at me. "Well, there's this little girl who is just like little me with everything, and her sister slash adoptive mum is missing, obviously giving me some anxiety." I explained. He pulled me into a big hug and kissed my forehead. I smiled, "You there, are you lifeguards?" A girl ran up to us, sobbing. "Yes, we are, what's up?" I asked, my heart dropping. "I've lost my daughter, her name is Lily and she 5?" She sobbed. "Oh, she's up in the tower sweetheart, nothing to worry, I'll radio and take you up." I said smiling. "Thank you," she whispered. I nodded, and grabbed my radio. "Lily to Central Bondi. We've got Lily's mum" I said, happily. I took Elisa's arm and took her up to the tower. She looked a little bit like my sister when she was still alive, but maybe it was just an imagination. We walked into the tower and Lily ran up to hug her mum and she gave me a little hug, thanking me for finding her mummy. I smiled and looked at the small family, before sitting back down in the tower with Jesse and Deano.

"Hey guys, I'm really sorry for today, something hasn't been right." I said quietly, scanning the beach. "Hey, Lege, don't worry about it, you're fine." Deano said patting my back, I leaned into his shoulder and sighed. "Lege, what hasn't been right?" Jesse asked me curiously. I shrugged, "just don't feel how I should, excessive vomiting, and I'm really really weak." I squinted my eyes at the windows, the sunset glaring off of them was really bright.  "The days almost over darling, why don't you just start walking home?" Deano suggested, as Mouse had gone home a few hours ago. "Okay, yeah, I might just go," I replied quietly, standing up. "Okay, Lils, be safe." Jesse replied as I gave him a hug and walked to the changing rooms.

I walked out  of the changing rooms and looked around, the sun hit everything gorgeously. I walked off carrying my bag and sandals, in one hand. I was close to a bar, when I got a whiff of some beer and heard a few footsteps. I looked around cautiously and the person fell into step with me. I looked over and saw the man who had assaulted me previously. My breath hitched as I glared at him, "you know, I never actually got around to what I needed to do, and you're just as pretty as before." He smiled softly, a dangerous glint in his eyes. I felt too weak and I let him pull me into the alleyways where the dumpster bins were. "So, pretty, drop your bags will you?" He muttered, I listened, terrified of what he'd do if I fought. I let him kiss me, he ran his hands up and down my body, sending shivers of fear through my spine. I felt him playing with my bottoms and I pressed myself farther against the wall. A tear leaked down my cheek as he continued. No, please, I hate this, this isn't okay, how can people just do this and think it's alright. I thought desperately as he undid my shirt. I reached for my phone in my bag that I'd dropped, I couldn't reach it without him noticing, I'd have to just let it play out. "Almost finished with you pretty, and then you can go home to your pathetic little family," he sneered, letting out a cold laugh that chilled me to the bone. He kissed my lips passionately and I parted my lips slightly to make him happy.

"Okay, pretty girl, you're on your way and if you tell so much as a soul, I'm back for you." He said, shoving me off of him. I dressed myself and grabbed my things and made my way out. "Good lord you're shaking," a woman said, as I was walking down the sidewalk, she was sweeping her little cafe area. I nodded, "may I use your restroom?" I asked her quietly. She nodded, ushering me inside. I went into her small bathroom and looked in the mirror, I was pale as fuck and I had a few small bruises. I groaned and rinsed my face. Suddenly a rush of blood went through my head, and I collapsed onto the ground, everything going black.

I woke up, and looked around, shakily. I stood up and checked myself in the mirror, a new bruise on my face, but nothing some concealer can't fix. I looked through my bag and found a small bottle of makeup, I put some on quickly and walked out of her bathroom, "thank you so much," I thanked her, she gave me a hug and smiled, "anytime dear," I smiled slightly and walked off.

"Legend Edwards, where the fuck have you been?" Harrison shouted at me as I walked through our door. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I made my way over to the couch and dropped my stuff, and then straight to my room. Tears filled my eyes and I collapsed on my bed, sobbing. "I hate my stupid fucking life, and everything in it." I sobbed urgently. I rocked back and forth, and I let all of my frustrations come out, one after the other after the other. I heard a knock on the door, "Legend, what's going on?" I heard Mouse's voice say, I shrugged, "don't come in, you can't see me like this." I yelled. "No, you're clearly not okay, let me in," he said sternly. I shuddered and just collapsed onto the bed. He came in and sat down next to me, cradling my head in his hands, he leaned down and kissing my lips. I sighed and kissed him back gently. "So, Lege, what's up?" He asked, "I don't feel good, like I used to, since pretty recently," I muttered. He looked at me, "do we want to get you checked out in emergency?" I shook my head, knowing they'd find my bruises. "Okay, well, tell me if anything changes," he said. I nodded and let a few tears slip down my cheek, "Lege, I love you, I don't tell you enough, but I love you." Mouse whispered. "And I'm so proud of you," I looked at him and he smiled at me, with his insanely loving eyes. I sat up and engulfed him into a gigantic hug. I pulled him back down with me, "Lege, what're you doing?" He chuckled. "I love you most." I simply stated.

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