Once I went downstairs to see Alexis making breakfast. She saw me coming down the stairs and she stared at me since I'm wearing outdoor clothes because I didn't tell her I was leaving.

"What are you doing?" she asked as I walked around the kitchen counter to get to her

"What do you mean?" I asked as she made her favourite chocolate chip pancakes which she got me hooked on it too

"You are wearing your outdoor outfit. Why are you wearing that?" she asked and I chuckled

"I have a meeting but it would be quick" I told her and she pouted

"But you said you have a day off today" she said as she hugged my waist and I hugged her back

"I know but this is a last minute meeting but I'll be quick" I told her

"Up" she said as she was a child and I know what the means

I chuckled and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck while her legs were wrapped around my waist.

"Okay, this way you're not leaving" she told me and I laughed at her

"So I can't leave with you on me?" I asked as she looked at me

"Yep. You're not leaving" she said

"I have to go babe. I promise when I come back we could do anything you want" I told her

"Really? Anything I want?" she asked

"Yeah anything you want" I told her

"Okay. But I'm not getting down" she said

"Oh really? You're not getting down?" I asked her

"Nope" she said

I walked over to the couch and tried to put her down but she won't budge.

"Alexis, get down before I get late to my meeting" I told her and she smiled which made my heart melt because I love seeing her smile or laughing

"Good that means you don't have to go" she said and I chuckled

I tried to put her down on the couch but she won't budge. She just hugged me tighter which I love. I love how she doesn't want me to go anywhere because that's how much she loves me.

"Babe come on don't act like a child" I told her

"But I'm not" she said

"If you don't let me go in the next 10 minutes I'll have to do something to ya" I told her

"Oh yeah? Like what?" she asked me

I looked at her and then tickled her sides to make her laugh. She immediately fell down on the couch without hurting herself of course.

"Niall stop" she said and I did

"That's what you get when you don't get off of me" I told her and she giggled as I gave her a kiss on her nose

"You missed a spot" she told me

"Oh yeah? Where?" I asked her

"Here" she said as she pointed at her lips

I smiled and kissed her lips. I was going to pull away from the peak but she pulled me in for a longer kiss which I know why she's doing that. If we have a long make out session she knows I would stay. After I pulled away to make her pout.

"I'll make out with you when I come back" I told her to make her blush a little

"Okay fine but can we eat breakfast together before you go?" she asked me and I looked at my phone to see the time

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