Don't Ask Questions

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For years, we were told not to go outside because they will get us if we do. Every night we could hear them wailing. These soulless creatures roam the earth, trying to find any way to ease the pain. When I was younger, I remember asking everyone what was causing their pain? My mum said that it was a punishment for the way they acted. They were sinful creatures and we needed to stay away, or we might get punished as well. My dad said that it was the radiation from a nuclear war. My uncle said it was from the sun exploding and they were eternally in flames. But why won't they die? Why do they suffer from so much pain but are still alive? What did they do to deserve this? And why aren't we suffering just like them? I am always full of unanswered questions, but everyone tells me to leave it alone or it will get me killed one day. But what good will that do me if all we do is stay hidden in this tiny little bunker? One day we will all wither away to nothing while those creatures are still crying, and no one is left to care.

I tried to sleep tonight but their screams were unbearable. They somehow seemed louder now than they were before, like they were screaming in my ears. I tried to hide under the blanket and cover my ears with the pillow, but it did nothing. I tossed and turned for what felt like hours until I finally decided to get up, it was only 1:30 in the morning. I was tired of the endless nights with no sleep. I would sooner go insane than be locked in here any longer. The same four steel walls that have protected me and my family my entire life. The fluorescent lights that have always burned bright. The canned beans and toast we eat for every meal I have grown so tired of. It's time to go, I cannot stay any longer.

Putting my shoes on, I quietly slipped off my bed and walked over to the hatch on the other side of the room. I turned and looked at my family one last time. Mum and Dad were sleeping in their bed snuggled close for warmth. And my uncle, asleep in the chair by the computer. He stays there night and day, always looking for something on the computer but he would never tell me what. Always typing, always searching, but never satisfied. I take a deep breath before turning the hatch. I use all my strength until I hear a small hiss of air and the hatch opens. Before I could look back again or doubt myself any longer, I quickly walked through and shut the hatch behind me.

I am immediately enveloped with nothingness. No light, no sound, no sense of time or space. I looked around but to no avail, it was just darkness everywhere. I took a step, nothing happened. I took another, and nothing happened. I began walking aimlessly until I saw a small light. The moment it appeared it lit up everything around it. I sprinted towards it in hopes of finding someone or something but the farther I ran the farther away it seemed to be. I eventually slowed to a stop and looked around when I realized something. There was no wailing or screaming creatures walking around. There was nobody around and no sound was being made. There was quite literally nothing here. But how could that be?

Before I can ask any more questions a bright light shines on me and I am instantly blinded. I cover my face to block the light and I slowly let my eyes adjust before looking around. Standing around me are my mum, dad, and uncle. All three of them were standing oddly still and just staring at me. There's blood pouring out of their ears, nose, mouth, and eyes but they have no eyes, just empty, dark eye sockets. Their skin is pale and white, with bloody scratches all over their body, like they have been trying to claw the pain away. In unison they all start wailing and screaming, walking towards me with their arms stretched out. I walked backward trying to get away until I bumped into something. I turned and it was all three of them standing behind me, still screeching. I frantically look around and there's thousands of them coming towards me. One grabs me by the wrist and yanks me to the floor. Another grabs onto my leg, their nails digging deep into my flesh. More and more hands grabbed onto me, pulling me deeper and deeper into their crowd until there was no more light left.

Maybe I was better off not asking so many questions because in the end, it did get me killed.

Don't ask questionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora