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Under the cover of darkness, She moved with silent purpose, her steps careful and deliberate as she approached the house shrouded in shadows. With a flick of her wrist, she cast a spell, cloaking herself in an invisible veil of magic that shielded her from prying eyes. She wasn't just hidden from sight however, but also from all the mundane senses. No breath, however loud could be heard, and the scent she carried of home, not even a wolf could sniff out.

As she reached the door, she paused for a moment, listening intently for any signs of movement within. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she reached out a hand, her fingers tingling with anticipation, and whispered a few words of incantation.

With a soft click, the lock disengaged, and the door swung open on silent hinges, revealing the dimly lit interior of the house beyond. She slipped inside like a wisp of smoke, her senses alert for any signs of danger as she navigated the unfamiliar space.

As she moved through the house, she left no trace of her presence behind, her movements swift and stealthy. With each room she entered, she felt a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins, knowing that she was one step closer to her goal.

She prowled the shadows with a hunger that burned like a fire within her. Finding her target, a lone man asleep in his living room recliner. There was a lit cigarette still in his hand, indicating he'd not been asleep for long.

Closing the distance between them she reached out, her touch like a caress of velvet against his skin. Then with a sudden ferocity, she lunged forward, her hand pinning him to the chair with a magical force he could not resist.

Her throat felt dryer than ever, like she had gulped sand. It was no longer her pulling herself towards him, it was a hunger deep within her, and with that she struck. claiming him with a searing kiss that left him breathless and helpless in her embrace. Pulling away from his lips she continued to draw the life force out of him. With each second, she felt herself growing stronger, more alive than she had ever been before.

She was no longer invisible to the man, and a pure, magical stream of red could be seen as the life force, that was being sucked out of him. The colour red, told her this man was indeed a tainted soul. The taste alone, filled her with anger, as she could feel the evil sins this man had committed. At last she was finally feeling her hunger dissipate, a pure relief, like the first rain after a long draught. She gazed down into the lifeless eyes of the man, her own reflection could be seen, and she could see her satisfaction looking back at her.

The world would be better without him in it.

She snapped her fingers, the newly charged power within her roared to her command, and the cigarette that had long since gone out, caught alight. She watched as the man, became engulfed in flames. She slipped away, out and into the night, taking one last look at the now burning house.

Although feeling little pity for the man whose life she had just stole, she knew that her hunger would never be sated. She was nothing but a monster, a slave to the darkness that dwelled within her.

Twisted : The Witch TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now