Chapter 5: A Day of Joy and Reflection

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Scene Change

Meanwhile, Ekansh and Dhruv roamed the fairgrounds with a sense of excitement and anticipation, their laughter ringing out as they explored each stall and attraction. Dhruv could not resist teasing Ekansh about his newfound freedom from the responsibilities of being head boy.

"So, Ekansh, does the head boy of the school get a special exemption from attending the fair?" Dhruv quipped, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Ekansh chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Very funny, Dhruv. I'm just enjoying the break from all the chaos of the past week." Their banter continued as they made their way through the fair.

The sun cast a golden hue over the fairgrounds, illuminating the colorful stalls and merry atmosphere that enveloped the area. A gentle breeze carried the scent of food and laughter, adding to the sense of excitement and anticipation that filled the air.

 A gentle breeze carried the scent of food and laughter, adding to the sense of excitement and anticipation that filled the air

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As Ekansh stood near the bookstall, the world around him faded away as he immersed himself in the pages of a captivating novel. Each word transported him to a different realm, where adventures awaited and mysteries beckoned. Oblivious to the bustling crowd around him, he lost himself in the enchanting world of literature.

Suddenly, his reverie shattered by a burst of laughter that cut through the ambient chatter like a ray of sunshine. Startled, Ekansh looked up, his gaze scanning the bustling crowd in search of the source of the delightful sound. His curiosity piqued, he felt drawn towards the puppet show stall, where the laughter seemed to originate.

With eager anticipation, he began to make his way through the throngs of people, the excitement building with each step. However, before he could reach his destination, a student at the bookstall intercepted him, his voices pulling him back to reality.

"Hey, slow down," the student called out, breaking Ekansh's concentration. "You haven't paid for the book you're taking with you."

Caught off guard, Ekansh apologized, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to forget."

The student waved off his apology with a smile. "No problem, but if you want the book, you'll have to buy it."

Quickly remedying his oversight, Ekansh handed over the money and turned back towards the puppet show stall, eager to catch another glimpse of the mysterious laughter. Yet, to his disappointment, the laughter had ceased, leaving him with nothing but the echo of its memory.

Soon, Dhruv returned with a pair of steaming paneer rolls, his infectious grin lighting up his face. "Lost in the land of books again, I see," Dhruv remarked, nudging Ekansh playfully. "What were you doing at the puppet show? Last time I checked, you weren't a fan."

Ekansh chuckled, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Just thought I'd see if you were there," he replied, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

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