The Battle of Big Ben

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"Audrey!" Basil shouts as Audrey falls and lands on a much larger gear, connected to another one that will crush her in a matter of seconds. Thinking quickly, Basil jumps from the gear and onto a lever, which lifts up a chain towards her. The final keg is approaching Audrey as Basil gets closer. She tries to flatten herself against the gear as Basil reaches his hand up and seizes her arm just as the gears connect. He wraps his arm around Audrey's waist while she wraps her arms around Basil's neck and the two smiled at each other before Audrey kissed Basil on the cheek as the chain continues to lift them to the top of the tower.

Down below, Ratigan's face is filled with anger as he watches the pair make their escape, his sanity snaps, and with a burst of strength, he tears his cape in half, freeing himself. Basil and Audrey both stopped at the hole at the top of the tower, trapped. Inside, Ratigan is completely consumed by hatred. Gone is the egotistical gentleman; in his place is a terrifyingly dangerous monster as he runs through and around the many gears, his clothes becoming torn and ragged. Outside, Audrey grabs Basil's hand and points towards Dawson, Olivia and Flaversham, who are approaching. Basil looks behind them two and notices that Ratigan is getting closer, so he lifts Audrey into his arms, holding her up. 'Wow. For a slender mouse, he's very strong' Audrey thought to herself as Dawson is holding Flaversham by his apron as the toymaker is leaning forward as far as he can, trying to reach his sister figure while Olivia watches all of this in awe.

"Closer, Dawson! Closer!" Basil says as Ratigan leaps onto the striking hammer, nearly falling, but scrambles up and leaps forward. Basil is still trying to lift Audrey as high as he can, but Flaversham can't quite make it. "Hiram, I can't reach! I can't reach!" Audrey says in a pained voice. Basil turns just in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him. He grunts as Ratigan catches him midsection and the three topple downward. Down below, Ratigan is still holding onto Basil and Audrey. Basil tries to grasp the top of the tower, but between the rain and Ratigan's weight, he can't get a good grip.

They separate as they fall down the face of the clock. Midfall, Ratigan grabs Basil again and they hit the hour hand. Basil and Audrey were both sent flying across and lands, their upper bodies laying over the edge. Their vision blurred for only a second as they quickly moved back. Ratigan is nowhere in sight as Dawson calls out to them, approaching the edge of the hand and the thunderstorm is meanwhile shown to be very intense, "Basil! Audrey! Over here!". Basil and Audrey both looked relieved, but are barely able to take a single step towards their friends when Ratigan attacks them from behind, lifting the two up with his arms. Basil manages to wriggle free, but Audrey was still in Ratigan's arms as she screamed.

Basil looks at Audrey in terror as Ratigan holds her up by the throat and Audrey starts to say as she was struggling "!" and ignoring her, Ratigan threatened "Don't move Basil, or else your precious lady will fall to her death!" and holds Audrey over the edge of the clock's hand as his grip tightens around her neck. She shuts her eyes in pain as she struggles to breathe right, Basil's eyes widened as he stopped not wanting Ratigan to release Audrey to her death. "There's no escape this time, Basil!" Ratigan stands in front of Basil as he was about to attack Basil but when Audrey sees a sheer of the glass where they crashed inside, she kicked Ratigan's stomach back as she grabbed the glass and slashed at Ratigan in the chest.

"Run Basil!" Audrey shouts as they start running up towards the edge but Ratigan grabs Audrey by the hair, making her yelp in pain before growling and in a swift motion, Audrey uses the sheer glass she has and cuts her own long hair to free herself.

"Run Basil!" Audrey shouts as they start running up towards the edge but Ratigan grabs Audrey by the hair, making her yelp in pain before growling and in a swift motion, Audrey uses the sheer glass she has and cuts her own long hair to free herself

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