A Kidnapped Flaversham

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Narrator's POV London in 1897

It was a dark and foggy night and a horse drawn carriage drives by, the horse snorts and neighs as the focus moves below the carriage and slowly zooms in on the sidewalk where a beautiful light brown mouse as she's wearing a dark green military evening coat, a gray hat on her head and has a roosevelt buffalo leather satchel around her shoulder as she's walking.

It was a dark and foggy night and a horse drawn carriage drives by, the horse snorts and neighs as the focus moves below the carriage and slowly zooms in on the sidewalk where a beautiful light brown mouse as she's wearing a dark green military ev...

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Soon she saw a familiar sign up ahead as it says 'Flaversham's Toys' with the help of a small light on the building as the woman approaches the door and knocks three times. Soon she hears footsteps coming and then the door opens to reveal a male mouse with bearing thick eyebrows, a mustache and whiskers all of a reddish brown, his fur is light brown, wears very large glasses and his outfit is white shirt, dark green pants and a red bowtie on.

The male mouse smiled brightly as he said "Audrey! I'm so glad you came back!" and hugs the woman known as Audrey while she hugs back with a smile. "I missed you too Hiram. I told you I was coming back, besides there was no way I was going to miss Olivia's birthday" Audrey said and then Hiram says "Oh, come in. Come in" and lets Audrey in as she takes off her coat and hangs it up while keeping her hat on.

Soon a little girl comes out running as she has a reddish-fuchsia bow behind her left ear, a light blue long-sleeved sailor's blouse with a white collar and a dark green bow, a blue plaid miniskirt, white panties, white ankle-length socks and black mary jane shoes. "Auntie Audrey! You're here!" the girl exclaims happily as she ran towards Audrey and hugs her while jumping onto her arms, making Audrey laugh. "Hello Olivia. How's the birthday girl?" Audrey asked while she gave Olivia a kiss on the forehead, making her giggle. "I've been good. Now I'm even better since your here now!" Olivia said with excitement.

Audrey smiles as she takes Olivia to the table and watches as she rocks a toy rocking horse while Hiram puts on his brown apron. "You know, Daddy, this is my very best birthday" Olivia said as she continues rocking the toy rocking horse. "Ahh... But I haven't given your present yet" Hiram said and this gets Olivia excited as she asked "What is it? What is it?" as this made both Audrey and Hiram laugh and then he says "Now, now. Close your eyes" and he moves to a small cupboard as Olivia tries to sneak a peek between her fingers and Audrey saw this and quickly says playfully "Uh-uh-uh-uh. He said no peeking silly!" and Olivia giggles as Hiram returns to the table with a small toy in his hands that resembles a flowerbud, then he winds the key and sets it in front of her as a gentle tune plays. Olivia opens her eyes and gasps as she sees that the bud has turned into a mouse ballerina, who dances for her. "Oh, Daddy! You made this just for me?" Olivia asked as Audrey smiles and says "It's lovely Hiram. You always amaze me with your talent with building toys" and Hiram smiles as his sister figure's compliment.

Meanwhile Outside

A peg-legged figure slowly approaches and he cackles evilly as his shadow looms over the door to the toy shop.

Back inside the Toy Shop

The doll has finished her dance and then Olivia looks at her father and says "You're the most wonderful father in the… in the whole world!" as she gets down from her chair and hugs Hiram while Audrey smiled softly at this moment and then she clear...

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The doll has finished her dance and then Olivia looks at her father and says "You're the most wonderful father in the… in the whole world!" as she gets down from her chair and hugs Hiram while Audrey smiled softly at this moment and then she cleared her throat and says "Now I believe it's my turn to give you my present sweetie".

Olivia gets excited again and asked "What did you get me Auntie Audrey?" and Audrey smiles, opens her bag and then pulls out a small white box with a blue top and a white bow on it.

"Happy birthday Olivia" Audrey says and just before Olivia could grab the box suddenly the door knob begin to rattle, making the three mouse's eyes widen as they looked at the door

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"Happy birthday Olivia" Audrey says and just before Olivia could grab the box suddenly the door knob begin to rattle, making the three mouse's eyes widen as they looked at the door. "Uh Hiram, were you expecting someone?" Audrey asked and Hiram shook his head and soon the rattling becomes more intense as Hiram puts his arms around his daughter protectively while Audrey quickly puts Olivia's present back in her bag as she stands beside Hiram protectively as well. "Who is that?" Olivia asked and Hiram says "I-I don't know! Quickly, dear, stay in here and don't come out!" as he hides Olivia in the cupboard and stands in front of it along with Audrey and just as a bat bursts in though the window.

From inside her hiding place, Olivia hears grunts and yells as she cracks the door and watches in terror as her father and the bat fight while Audrey tries to pull the bat away from Hiram to free him until the bat had enough and punched Audrey in the stomach causing her to let go and fall to the ground and at the same time the table flies towards the cupboard, shutting the door and pushing Olivia back.

"Now I gotcha, toy maker!" The bat says and cackles. "Let go! Oh! Olivia! Audrey!" Hiram shouts and Olivia starts pushes against the door trying to get out and while Audrey regains back conscious with a groan and saw the cupboard moving and she quickly gets up and went over and moves the table, freeing Olivia. "Auntie Audrey!" Olivia cried out as she hugs her aunt and Audrey hugs her back as they saw the shop is now dark, furniture is scattered as empty paint buckets are spilling out.

"Daddy, where are you?" Olivia called out as she goes to the window, calling out to Hiram. "Daddy…where are you?! Daddy! DADDY!!!!" as her shouts echos through the foggy night and Audrey mutters in devastation "Oh no... Hiram..." and then Olivia starts crying as she ran into her aunt's arms while Audrey comforts her. "Shh, shh, shh. There, there Olivia. I'm here..." Audrey says softy, Olivia sniffs and asked in a sad voice "What we gonna do auntie? Where's Daddy?" and Audrey hates seeing her niece sad as this broke her heart and then she says "I-I don't know Olivia. We just need to find someone who can help us find him" and just then a piece of paper landed beside Audrey as she saw it. Curious she picks it up and reads the headline as she says "Famous detective solves baffling disappearance... Basil of Baker Street".

Audrey thought for a moment and then she lifts up Olivia's head, making her look at her aunt as she had a soft look and says "Maybe this person can help us Olivia" as she shows her the paper.

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