Murder Drones Crossover

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What if?... Brown Cameraman(Villain arc+Max upgrades) was in Murder Drones?

Brown Cameraman: alright apparently I'm going to... *checks page* this universe filled with sentient robots, also apparently a majority of them are weaker than me, so.....

School Shooting Music Time


*presses teleport button*

Episode 1, Pilot October 29 2021

Brown Cameraman's POV: I was spawned in a classroom in front of a bunch of Worker Drone kids, I started blasting them. One of them was this Russian mf who blocked my attacks, I quickly launched a parasite toilet from my shoulder, it worked and I blasted the ##$% out of her. That should be a job well done, right? Wrong, she got up and started yapping in Russian. And then a weird glyph thingy appeared, the same one she used to block my attacks. I quickly got torn apart by it. However, I regenerated and analyzed the glyph by downloading it. It's called 'The Absolute Solver', it's a virus that infects robots. I destroyed the infecting and controlling part of it so I could use it constantly without me being controlled, I used it against the Russian b!#$%, and it worked. I exited the classroom and saw a purple colored drone with a green laser gun. She fired it at me, but it just exploded in her face. I then went around shooting people, I was launching rockets, missiles, lasers, and the kitchen sink. I proceeded to destroy 3 large doors and exit the facility.

Level 1 complete
To be continued next chapter.

Variations: A Brown Cameraman StoryWhere stories live. Discover now