Ep 18: Light turns to the dark

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Matthew keeps repeating that spell three times the moon appear, making the room shine in a white light, bringing Blinky back to life.

Matthew: Blinky, all my knowledge will go to you to protect them. Protect my daughter, help her reach her Moon and Saturn stage, help her grow, and when your time comes, you'll be free of your duty

Blinky: Yes, sir

Matthew smiles as he slowly disappears, and all of the unfreezed Blinky is waking up slowly. _____ was crying she threw herself to the floor. She was on the floor covering her face as her tears fell down her cheeks uncontrollably. Claire held her tightly as tears were falling down her cheek as well no matter what the enemy had two win and they had two loses.


With Morgana, Bullroc, Skrael, and Tenko

Skrael: What's that? *he asked, looking at the book that Tenko had*

Tenko: A book with the strongest spell, I know _____, and I know the power she contains she will try to stop you, and she might be able.

Skrael: _____ would never stop us

Morgana: This time I'm on the side of Tenko, that girl isn't come one she behold the power of Saturn and moon and she is the one with the light staff the staff of the sun, that kids stronger even then the trollhunter

Bullroc: But the light can always turn to the dark, we can turn her to us, but first, let's continue with our first plan

They say, turning around to look at Nari, whose legs and hands were tight up with magic. Nari looked scared but angry she didn't speak at all, but tried to escape.

Bullroc: Struggle all you want. The breaking seal requires only your presence, not your commitment

Bullroc & Tenko: We will rise. Three will form. Unite and be one. The worlds are reborn . They cast the spell to break the seal, but nothing happens*

Nari: *laughs*

Bullroc: *grunts* She is not Nari

Skrael: Who is it?

Nari(Douxie): Abracadabra, butt-snack

Bullroc: You fool nobody can stop us this world was created to become paradise which every creature could leave in harmony, but the humans disrespected that balance, abuse of it. *turns to look at Morgana* Take him away. I guess it is time to bring the light to the dark

Douxie: Stay away from _____!

Tenko: *laughs* Perfect, you just help us. This is going perfectly

With Jim, Claire, Toby, Krel, Aja, Steve, Eli, Blinky, Aaargh, and _____

Claire: I'm sorry _____

_____: *stops crying* There's time to cry later they have Nari, and a book that I feel is dangerous

Jim: They don't have Nari it's all a trick Douxie switch spot with her

_____: Wait! What!?

Jim: *he sighs and look at _____* That was his plan he knew that they might still trap Nari, so he came with a plan b.

_____: *mumbles* Of course he did

She was gonna say something when everyone froze and there in front of her appearance. Tenko she was about to attack him, but she couldn't move at all.

Tenko: Tsk tsk don't even try it. I know you very well. _____ *he gives a small evil grin*

_____: What do you want?

Tenko: You, of course

_____: I think you are a little late, I don't want you and don't think I would just go with you

Tenko: *sighs as he tries to keep calm* If you want your little boyfriend, well alive you should listen to me, love...

_____: *she felt a little shiver down her spine* Don't call me love, you don't need me to stop acting like you do

Tenko: *little evil laughs* I do desire you love, but Bullroc and Skrael wants you to help and we are not asking you were warning you, but if you decide to not listen your little boyfriend is gonna be gone, death...

_____: Don't you hurt him! I'll do it

Tenko: Very wise you got ten minutes when does ten minutes pass you need to come to this places *he puts a paper on _____ hand* and don't try tricking us that might end up a little bad for you

_____: Got it

Tenko gives one little evil smile as he leaves a soft kiss in _____ cheeks. After he leaves, everyone unfreezes, and ______ tries her best to act normal like the conversation between her and Tenko didn't happen. She was fighting with her thoughts she wasn't sure what to do, but she didn't want to let Douxie die she couldn't let another person die. So she waited for those 10 minutes to go by each minute that went by it was more painful as she waited slowly. When nobody was looking, she left to the place that was written in the paper that Tenko gave to her.

With Morgana, Tenko, Bullroc, and Skrael

Tenko: I told you she will come

Bullroc: You never disappoint me, Tenko

______: I'm here. Let Douxie go *she says angrily*

Bullroc: Is not as easy as you think. First, you gotta turn into the dark, and if you decided no to, he would die

_____: I know

Bullroc and Skrael look at each other, making a smile as they grab _____ and bring her to a chair, making her sit there.

Bullroc & Skrael: ut convertat animam in tenebras, cor putidum ad gehennam(to turn the soul into darkness, the rotten heart into hell)

The room turned dark. Nobody could see anything of how dark it was. All that was known is that _____ heart and soul is turning dark. The light the gleam inside her was gone.

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