Part 2 - And every legend no matter how great

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I don't know if it was pure stupidity, adrenaline, or the scream of Gabriel
being torn off the ground by the strange purple light, but I knew I couldn't sit still.

Everything moved in slow motion

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Everything moved in slow motion. The hard obsidian propels me into the air as I thrust my weight onto the ground into a leap, hitting the tentacle square in the middle with my stubby stone weapon. Then for as long as that second was, it passed. I let out a false gasp of pain, waiting to hit the floor, except no matter how long I anticipated it, I didn't fall, or even hit the ground for that matter. I swung my sword around violently to confirm my suspicions. Not only was my body completely weightless, I was floating higher and higher into the empty air. When I looked up, only a purple gleam of despair stared back. I was floating in the witherstorms tractor beam. My friends, Lukas and Petra, staring at me, their eyes wide in terror at the scene unfurling in front of them. Floating in almost parallel speed with Gabriel, we stare at each other and then at the cobblestone obsidian floor below us as it got smaller and smaller, tearing away from us. Then suddenly, Gabriel almost completely disappears from my peripheral vision. I look over to see Petra grabbing Gabriel's leg and pulling down. I watch as Gabriel finally flies out of the beam, his body reacting to gravity once again as he thuds to the floor, air flying out of his lungs.

"Thank you".. I hear from below, probably coming from Gabriel.

I move my limbs around sporadically, praying to lock eyes with anyone that can help. Then I see Lukas. Lukas. He hadn't gone through the portal yet. But he's still, completely frozen in terror. His body was shaking in fear, his neck immediately cracking up in my direction as I called out to him.

"Lukas!" I plead, praying to snap him out of his death-like trance.

"Lukas!" I plead, praying to snap him out of his death-like trance

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He stood frozen solid, head jumping up for a moment as if startled by my words, daring to move a muscle. I snap out of my gaze as i feel my elbows touch the ceiling of the chamber, within my own reach. I wasn't going to be saved. It was too late, but I grab on to the ceiling, holding onto anything to get me out of the storm's clutches. I strain to hold on, but the block from the ceiling breaks off, as to reassure me of my untimely doom; That there really is no hope. My heart's pounding faster than a thousand men, but I'm frozen-still, not a muscle daring to move from it's current position. I wake up from staring death in the face when a voice calls my attention, causing my eyes snap to a blurry depiction of a
familiar red-head as Petra yells out, calling my name in a plead to get the wither storm to somehow let go of me.

"JESSE!" I hear Petra call out in alarm.
Her plead falls to deaf ears though, as I slowly become the Witherstorm's meal.
My eyes start to close as I reach closer and closer towards the source of the
purple light, before being squeezed by a large tentacle, instantly causing me to
gasp for air. My whole vision fazes into a purple blob as I begin to lose
consciousness and I slowly grow weaker, my muscles beginning to go limp. I'm really going to die like this. I guess this is it.

" of..Reuben"

,I call out to anyone who could possibly hear from the loud clamoring of destruction, a final cry to the world as I finally close my eyes, welcoming death with open arms as my vision fades to total darkness.

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